Coming Home Read online

Page 11

  Three hours later or maybe four the meeting was over and I was hungry. I tried to keep as far away from Kevin as I could. He was being too sweet for my taste today. But more so for my own piece of mind; he always seems to convince me to believe him. The room was unloading so I shot Cam a test message. ‘I miss and love you baby I wish you were here! Xoxox-Mandy.’ I shook a few hands and headed briskly to the elevators. “Amanda can I speak to you for a few minutes?” Maybe I didn’t walk fast enough. “Kevin I’m really hungry and ready to get out of these shoes.” Yeah I sounded whiny. “Then why don’t I take your sexy ass to dinner?” That voice made me whip my head around so fast my neck hurt.

  “Ohhhh crap how did you get here? Ohhh my God this is the best surprise ever!” There propped against the doorway was Cam dressed to the nines and Latonya smiling like the canary who escaped the cat. “I left last night after I got off the phone with you. You sounded like you needed me so I packed up the Camaro and came to the rescue. Then I called Latonya this morning and she got me into your hotel room. I have been here for about forty-five minutes waiting for you. We have dinner reservations for five!” He smiled smugly at Kevin; like he was impressed with his romantic display. “Ohhh yeah if the front desk asks I’m your fiancé and I couldn’t stand sleeping without you!” I chuckled and Kevin sighed and rolled his eyes.

  “She’s in good hands kid so just go back to Georgia and play in the gym or whatever pretty boys like you do!” Latonya laughed, “Pot calling the kettle black,” she coughed under her breath. Kevin just glared at her. “Well guys I’m glad to help play romantic planner. Cam it was all my pleasure to lay eyes on you again! Mandy ya’ll have fun and see you tomorrow; then it’s happy hour for us three okay!” Cam and I nodded. “Ohhhh Latonya Dev told me to give you this!” It was a picture taken of Cam and Devin shirtless with her and myself beside them. It was taken after the seminar at Momma’s house in the pool. “That little player; but Mandy looks sexy in that bikini and ya’ll two are extremely sexy specimens.” Kevin looked over her shoulder, “Yes I agree Mandy looks extremely beautiful. Blue was always her best color, But God that thing is small!” He smiled and winked at me. My heart did a weird flip-flop! “Yes well she looks great in everything and nothing at all,” Cam said. “Baby lets go so we won’t be late to dinner.” I smiled at Cam and he handed me a bag. “Here is a change of clothes. I knew you’d want to change so I brought you something causal and warm.” I kissed this thoughtful man on the cheek. “Ahhhh and there is vanilla chap stick in the bag. I remember last night you said you forgot it!” I smiled, “You know you’re wonderful right!” His smile was brighter than Broadway. “I am glad you feel that way about me. I love you. Now go change!” I swear perfect was an understatement.

  He had packed my favorite sexy jeans with the cream lace that I left at his house, a new cream colored sweater that he must have bought, and some new light brown boots which he also must have picked up for me. “Cam you didn’t have to buy me a new outfit!” Latonya’s mouth fell open, “You picked that out? She looks amazing; casual yet dressy, sexy but conservative.” Cam laughed, “Yeah she watches a lot of ‘What Not To Wear’!” We all laughed. “Well Mandy I’ll call you and discuss what we need to later! Go enjoy your dinner!” He came over and hugged me, slipped his hand up the back of my sweater and rubbed my back. Then he kissed me on the cheek. I stumbled back in shock. “Hey stop all this crap! I’m tired of being played with!” Cam grabbed my hand and offered me a jacket the color of my new boots. God he’s perfect. I hear Latonya telling Kevin to stop being a jerk.

  “I’m sorry Cam, Kevin is on the attack. I told you about last night and I’m very sorry. I don’t ever want to hurt you. Can you ever forgive me?” I was crying. “Hey stop that before you mess up your makeup baby,” he said laughing. “I know how hard this is on you. You put on a good show in Atlanta but I know it was killing you!” He was totally wise beyond his years. We were in the Camaro stuck in traffic. “I’m seriously thinking of letting him or someone buy me out of our business. Even if I lose my monthly payments I still get monthly maintenance payments and I could open my own business; whatever it takes to get him out of my life.” He reached over and squeezed my hand, “Whatever makes you happy baby! I’ll support you either way!” I think I’ve really found unconditional love with Cam McLean. “Thanks again for the outfit it’s beautiful. Seriously, you did awesome!” The traffic was moving, “I had an awesome canvas. You don’t think your body is wonderful but I do! You know I’ve never been to New York. This is kinda exciting. I never expected to see so many cabs!” I chuckled because I thought that the first day I came here.

  “How long are you staying?” He flashed me a huge smile, “We’re leaving Monday morning. I took a few days off that way we, or I, could sight see after your meeting ends tomorrow. So we have all weekend together in New York. You know Mandy my life has gotten so much more exciting since you came into it.” That grin was evil; damn his plans must be awesome. “Wow I’m so glad you did this. You drove a lot!” He squeezed me, “I know what you’re thinking but I slept while you were gone to your meeting.” He was really romantic. “This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me Cam!” He finally pulled into a parking spot. “Baby you ain’t seen nothing yet. It’s gonna be a magical weekend. When my baby needs me I do whatever I have to to make sure she is well taken care of!” Perfect I tell you!

  Latonya must have told him about this restaurant. It was our hangout spot; casual yet upscale. Cam drew so much attention crossing the room to our table. He was young but he was the kind of man that drew a room to him. He radiated confidence and the kind of good vibes that drew people in. The waitress did her best not to stare, but I couldn’t fault her on bit. And when he opened his mouth to speak she looked like she fell in love; I know southern accents are sexy. I couldn’t keep the grin off my face; he is sexy and I knew it. Evan walked up to our table; I swear the guy was following me. “Amanda are you following me?” Damn everywhere I went he was. “No but maybe you’re following me. I won’t give you your money back!” He chuckled loudly. “Nahhh you keep it you kicked my ass pretty badly. Is this your brother Kevin was talking about?” Damn I am sick of hearing his name. “Nope this is my boyfriend Cam McLean; Cam this is Evan Sinclair. He works for me!” They both shook hands, “Well Amanda if I knew you were into hot young studs I would have swept ya off your feet. Kevin was always an idiot! Well nice to meet ya Cam you all have an awesome dinner. And Amanda if I don’t see you tomorrow have a safe trip back to Georgia. You look gorgeous and happier than I’ve ever seen you!” He looked over at Cam, “You keep it up she deserves it.” I looked dumbfounded as he walked away. “Nice fella,” Cam said. “Yeah he has never talked to me like that before. I guess I’m not exactly his boss anymore!’ Cam chuckled as I looked dazed and shell shocked.

  Dinner was wonderful and Cam’s company reminded me just how much in love with him I am. We walked hand and hand to the car snuggled against each other. When I opened the door to the hotel room I startled. Every single flat surface including the bathroom, except for a path to the tub, was covered in lite candles. The carpet was covered in different colored flower petals and the room smelt extremely sweet. Vases full of huge floral arrangements were on the nightstands next to the bed. There also sat a hot pink bag with dark purple tissue paper sticking out of it on the queen sized bed. A man must really love you to go through all this; there had to be three hundred candles. And that couldn’t be cheap at all. Cam wasn’t rich but he had more money than you would think he had. Man was a saver not a spender, smart man right!

  My eyes were pouring silent tears and when I finally looked up at Cam he looked tense. “Cam baby this is absolutely, utterly, and completely gorgeous. I’m speechless; no one has ever done anything like this for me.” The last part came out in a tear filled whisper. “I love you Cam!” He hugged me, “Mandy I love you too. I have loved you since the first day I saw you in your Momma’s kitchen. I have never loved anyon
e in my life the way I love you. You’re on my mind every morning when I wake up and every night when I go to sleep. I’d love to wake up to your beautiful face in my bed and arms every morning. You complete me baby; I’m always happier when you’re with me. Last night I tried to sleep but my heart wouldn’t let me rest without you; so I knew I had to come here and be with my girlfriend. But you’re so much more to me than just a girlfriend; you’re half of my heart.” Ohhhh my God that was too beautiful. “Ohhhh Cam I love you; you’re too damn good to me.” I flung myself closer into his embrace. “You make me more than happy!”

  Cam smiled down at me with tears in his eyes. “I know it’s only been about six months but I want to spend the rest of my life with you. We both been thru a lot of pain so I think we crossed each other so we could heal!” Cam had lost both his parents less than a year before I met him. “Baby that’s really beautiful and really true, I honestly believe you have helped me thru the hardest part of my life. And I’m so much better for it because of you!” We kissed passionately for so long I started to feel faint from the lack of oxygen. “Miss. Hanson how about a bubble bath before I finish with the rest of my surprises for our romantic getaway?” Ohhh! He’s so yummy! “OOOOhhhh I like surprises!” He winked, “OOOhhhhh how I know!”

  After our bubbly water on the floor, hot bath tub sex he ushered me towards a new sexy black night gown on the bathroom counter. “Here baby let me dry you off and help you into this!” He was enjoying this way too much. “Ooohhhh please because we both know I’m so helpless.” He laughed, “Can’t a man just enjoy helping his naked girlfriend dry off?” Seriously I’m not complaining! “Come on because I want us to walk out on the balcony for a bit!” Ohhhh more surprises. Cam had on black cotton pajama pants with a tight black shirt. I even had a matching black robe. I know we love the color black.

  The balcony had a lot of flameless candles and flower petals; even a little love seat with a throw blanket that said ‘I love you.’ “Cam baby you really went all out. You didn’t have to do all this. But I love you for it!” I was crying again. “Baby I love you! Don’t cry unless you’re happy. I wish I could do this for you every day! Hell maybe I will. That’s why you need to move in with me. Let me make love to you every night and kiss you good morning every morning!” I was turning into the biggest water head ever. He walked me to the love seat and covered me up with the throw blanket. He was down on one knee with a Tiffany’s box in his hand. What the hell? “Mandy baby I’m in love with you; not anyone part more so than the other. I love your many strengths and your very few weaknesses; because I’m your main weakness.” He said the last part with a total hot boy attitude. “And I know we have haven’t been together for years, but who says there is a time line for love. I know I love you more than anything in this world. Amanda Nicole Hanson would you make me beyond extremely happy and marry me?” I swear he was sweating bullets. I’ve never seen him sweat before even in July. And all of a sudden I didn’t know what to say. He was waiting patiently. Ohhh my goodness the ring was a two karat, white gold ring with a square diamond in the middle with two diamonds on both sides of it. It must have cost him a fortune. “Ohhhh God Cam it’s beautiful and too expensive,” I whispered it so low he smiled. “It’s not as nice as I liked it to be!” Tears where distorting my view. “No it’s perfect; exactly what I would have picked out myself!” He nodded a bit nervously. “Ohhh Cam…I….Cam I don’t know….!” He started to get off of his knee with a guarded but not hut look. “Yes! Yes! Yes! Ohhh hell yes Cameron McLean I wanna marry you!”

  He slipped the ring on my third finger and started kissing me with tears in his eyes. “I love you Mandy!” We were both crying, “You mean future Mrs. Mandy McLean. Ohhh shit I got to call Momma. Did you tell her?” He gave me a sheepish look, “Well I told her a few months ago I was gonna make you marry me; when I bought the ring. But I didn’t tell her I was gonna ask you tonight!” Wow he has had that ring for months. “God your smooth this is the best night of my life. I swear Cam I love you! Where is my phone I want to take some pictures?” He was laughing at me and my enthusiasm. He looked so happy. “Well I must admit I took pictures of it too! After all it is the best day of my life so far,” he winked. “This is the world’s best proposal!” I jumped on him and we both fell onto the bed laughing. I kissed him. “Hey I gotta call my Momma is that okay?” He was beaming, “Hell call everyone I don’t care!”

  He snuggled next to me in the bed as I called Mommy, Stacy, and Devin. I planned to tell Latonya tomorrow when we all three were going out together after the meeting. I was squealing with Momma on the phone when there was a knock on the door. Cam got up to answer it because I was in my own world right now. I could hear another man’s voice; probably the hotel staff. “Mandy baby there is someone here to see you!” What? “Baby who is it? I’m not dressed and I’m still squealing about getting married to Momma!” He stuck his head in, “Ummmm you’re not dressed!” He was wiggling his eyebrows and I giggled. “It’s Kevin.” Fucker had to rain on my parade! “Okay sweet thang I’m coming!” He shot me a playful look, “You’re such a perv Cam!”

  “So have you heard of a telephone Kevin? What do you need?” I made no excuse to hide my aggravation or my way to sexy nightgown. “I told you I had to talk to you earlier!” Yep! “You said you’d call me not stop by my hotel!” He smiled wickedly, “I was hoping to catch you all alone!” Cam actually looked pissed. I’d never seen him like this. “Well you know what Kevin this is not a usual business hour. Mandy and I were celebrating our engagement. So whatever you have to say can wait till tomorrow!” Cam shocked the hell out of me. “This is between me and Mandy kid. Do you really believe she’d really go thru with marring you? She’s just trying to make me jealous. I know she still wants me. She proved that much last night!” Dirty bastard. “Trying to get your ex-wife drunk so she’ll give you the time of day hardly sounds like rekindling the past to me at all; dude go the hell home and leave my girlfriend alone. Too bad you didn’t realize how wonderful she was before it’s too late!” Kevin was beyond pissed, “When has Mandy ever let anyone speak for her!” I was speechless from Cam’s outburst. Obviously Kevin finally pushed him too far.

  “I don’t, but everything Cam just said is the truth. And I do plan on marring Cam. You can even be a groomsman if you wish!” He stalked out and slammed the door. “That can’t end well. Kevin is acting crazy!” Cam rolled his eyes, “Men in love do stupid shit. But I ain’t worried, I’m pretty tuff!” Finally, we got the loving mood back. “Hey I forgot your other surprise.” He grabbed the pink bag.

  Inside were framed pictures of us. One had diamonds that spelled out ‘Together we stand, so together we will be.’ There was one of Momma and all of us; also Devin, Mitchell, Stacy, and Carlene. It was an extremely sweet and perfect gift. “You’re really too good for me you know that right!” He winked, “Nope and you can’t back out now because you’re already wearing my ring!”


  About the Author:

  I’d like to thank whoever is reading this! It means a lot to me. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it.

  Ok here is the thing….I suck at talking about myself. So here goes nothing along with the basics. My name is Tiffany and I’m a stay at home mother from North Carolina. I have a four year old boy who 93% of the time thinks he is Spiderman and 7% of the time thinks he is a rock star; which pretty much means he is 100% awesome like his Mom. I enjoy anything creative. Knitting is a passion of mine and I like to inflict my family with my knitted loot. Some love it, some hate me for it, but either way they’re warm in the winter. I refuse to breath oxygen so my intoxication of choice is music. I live it, sleep it, and drink it alongside my sweet tea. I started writing (other than my name) poems first and stories about things that I didn’t like the way people explained them; mostly vampires and fairies. I think the latter is more dangerous than the vampires. I had a few published as a teen. So to wrap this thing up: I’m quirky, I love vampires, w
erewolves, and sexy novels set in times where women wore gowns and men rode horses. Oh and don’t forget cowboys; I love those too. Ok let me get back on track! I have a vivid imagination and if I could sit and write every story that comes to mind I’d have the worst computer chair backache ever. Thank you again!

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