Coming Home Read online

Page 2

  “Well the next year we were married and the next we opened our own small office. We worked night and day making that office productive and we succeeded. We spend two years in that office then we had to get a larger space and hire more employees. We were steadily expanding till we had a huge staff and covered a whole floor at the most prestigious building in New York. The money was coming in in the truck loads. I mean I was over whelmed; finally all our blood, sweat, and tears where paying off. The next year things started getting weird. Kevin was always demanding and hateful at times but he was just getting downright ugly with me. And he would ogle the new employees and hit his secretary on the butt and he acted like someone had hotwired him to asshole!” Devin cleared his throat, “That bastard was always an asshole you just didn’t see it sis!” Stacy nodded and agreed that first hurt ever showed in her eyes.

  “Well to make a long story short he was messing around when other women and padding the books for stupid shit. I got tired of being pushed around like a common dog so I filed for a divorced and he was not happy. Actually I had to move and hire a body guard and file a restraining order on his ass. I decided I was happier coming home and being with my family. I figured we could fix up Momma’s house some and I could help pay for Devin’s college and buy my big sexy brother a new house! I have really missed you guys and yeah Stacy I got one hell of a surprise for you too. Ohhh it’s good!” She laughed and her eyes shined in the fire light, “I love surprises babe!” I winked, “I know you do!” Carlie cleared her throat, “I am sorry I asked about your personal life. It had to be painful to talk about it!” I nodded my head, “It’s okay I ain’t sorry I lost Kevin; I am sorry I lost all the hard work I put into my company and the person who use to be good and now is money hungry!”

  The fire crackled and I hopped up and so did Cam. “Wanna help me add some wood to the fire Cam and I will go get more beer! Let’s get drunk and act stupid the night is young!” Cam laughed and Devin yelled, “Yeeeehaaaaaa!” Hell yeah that’s right. Mitchell pulled his truck over to us and put his radio to the best country station in town. Yeah home was defiantly where the heart was. And I thought it was high time I made new memories. I grabbed another case out of the frig and headed to the fire. Everyone was coupled up but Cam; and I could see he was facing the fire with a lonely look on his face. How could a nice and extremely sexy man like him be single? He didn’t seem that flawed, but there was something that echoed in his eyes, maybe a troubled past or a broken heart? I could relate to that I took way too much off of Kevin for my liking. I handed the case to Devin he had his arms wrapped around Carlie and he smiled. Stacy was whispering something to Mitchell and was moving closer to sit between his legs. Hot damn they were freaking cute.

  Cam was on the ground in front of the fire on his heels and sat down on his butt when he heard my steps. He looked lost in the flames as they danced and crackle in the cool southern summer night. I stepped between his legs and looked him in the eyes, “Is this seat taken?” His eye widened, “No hun it isn’t!” I smiled and sat down between his legs. This was quit intimate and was not what I had in mind but the look of loneliness out weighted my brain. Something in my heart hurt for this gorgeous half stranger. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me to him, “I am sorry you had to go through all that some men are complete idiots.” Looking in his beautiful eyes I just nodded, “Thank you Cam! What’s your story? I have no earthly clue why the hell you’re single?” He chuckled, “Me either! But I want quality not a bimbo that has been with half the freakin’ town!” Man made sense and obviously good taste. “I don’t want to even think about men I wasted almost eight years of my life and have nothing but a divorce to show for it. I was isolated from my family and made a fool of. How can I ever make up for the hurt feelings I caused. I ain’t sure if I can ever recover from all that shit. And I still ain‘t sure why I am telling you or anyone my personal business like this. I sound like a weak whiney ass woman.” My southern came back full speed ahead I was yall’in more tonight than I have in eight years.

  He pulled me closer to him and whispered in my ear, “We all need to talk sometimes and I am here anytime you want to day or night. And as far as I see it you’re not an idiot Kevin is. And you didn’t waste eight years but gained knowledge. You learned you needed to be back with your family to erase the slate and start clean. You started a wonderful business that you still get to reap the benefits from without the stress. And don’t count all men out you never know maybe Kevin was just the starting act for a bigger and better man. Sometimes we fall flat on our face before we can see what we have tied ourselves up in. Baby don’t settle yourself short because you are nothing short of amazing!” I smiled at him teary eyed and he caressed my cheek. “Ooohhh did I forget to add attractive, sweet, kind, with a mean ass tackle even when we are playing flag football!” I just giggled this man was nothing short of amazing. I snuggled into his chest and he took notice and started to play with my hair. “Can I ask you a question Cam?” He nodded, “How did you get so damn smart. It’s like you have an old soul or something?” He just smiled the biggest smile I had ever seen, “You sound just like your Momma!” We laughed and stayed like that till the fire died. Never once did we realize we were alone and when everyone left we had no clue. We just talked and talked for what seemed like hours. It felt good to be held and talked to like you mattered. Maybe this kid wasn’t a kid after all; more like a grown ass man! A very attractive sincere grown ass man!

  Chapter Two:

  Another beautiful sunrise in the south; last night was so much more fun than I have ever thought. Being home was wonderful and Cam was nice. I awoke happy and refreshed, which was an awesome change from the usual. The sun was so bright I thought I’d go lie out after breakfast and get some sun. After all I was looking paler than normal; I might even call Stacy and see if she wants to join me like we use too. Down stairs the house was completely quiet. There was a note next to a freshly baked, deliciously smelling plate of banana nut muffins. “Baby I had to run to town! Be back before lunch! Love-Momma” Well I guess that’s half the reason it’s quiet; wonder where Devin is? Well he wasn’t in his room. And college was out for the summer. Well I guess ‘Plan A’ on the laying out was a go.

  I gathered my sunglasses, IPod, water bottle, tanning lotion, and one really old really oversized quit; and headed to the sunniest spot in the back yard in my bathing suit. The stress made me drop a few pounds so I picked me up a new itty bitty bikini. I was totally impressed with my new found hotness. Yeah I had to laugh at that too! The sun and the heat were killer; it was gonna take some getting re-use too if I decided to stay here.

  I spread my blanket out in the sunniest spot I could find. I quickly made the happiest, up-tempo, un-sad song playlist, and basked in the hot southern sun. Nothing in this world is better than the feeling of ultra-hot rays warming my blood and relaxing my body. I wasn’t sure how long I lay there; but I heard car tires on the gravel road and figured Momma was back. The smell of coconuts filled the air as the sun heated my skin. A touch on my arm startled me and I sat straight up, snatching my headphones out of my ears. My Momma ‘bout gave me a heart attack. Except it wasn’t my mother. Ohhh my God it was Cam! And I was over half naked and super shocked to see him here.

  “Ohhh Mandy I’m sorry I scared you! I thought you heard me calling you but I didn’t see your headphones till I got close.” Ohhh man I had to pull myself together an answer him because I’m sure only ‘ddduuhhhhh’ would come out right now. He was shirtless, I mean freaking shirtless, it’s pretty common for guys to drive around shirtless in the south; but God I’d never seen one like him.

  Cam was at least six foot tall and had baby blue eyes the color of heaven. He was buff. I mean majorly buff with rolling abs that showed he had to really work out to maintain that body. Which is sexy and means he can commit to something. Blah- Why does my mind keep going back to dumbass? He sported the sexy almost skater boy hair, not too long, but long enough to run your finge
rs thru. And I wanted to do that right now. God he was yummy. “Hey darlin’ you gonna talk or just sit there and stare?” What? I didn’t hear him say a word, but the way he raised his one eyebrow when he talked was freaking sexy as hell. Had I hit my head? I was finding everything about this kid sexy! But he wasn’t really a kid but he was too young for me; but I still could look right?

  “Ooohhh what did you say Cam?” I could at least get that out. He smiled so sexy at me and my body heated. Damn when was the last time I had sex? He smiled so sexy when I said Cam; and I noticed I drug it out longer than I planned too. That fact made my cheeks blush some. “Is Devin home, I knocked on the door and no one answered! That’s when I saw you!” OMG that sexy ass smirk was back along with another eyebrow raise. I cleared my throat, “When I got up this morning Momma left a note saying she’d be gone till noon and Devin wasn’t here.” All of a sudden a huge boom of thunder sounded and the sky poured open. I went to gather my stuff. “Hey just get inside Mandy I’ll get your stuff!” How sweet. “Hey no I can get it!” He motion towards the house, “Baby just go!” So stunned at how sexy it sounded, him calling me baby, I ran to the front porch and waited for him.

  He came jogging up the steps, my stuff in his arms, with rain running off his hair down his face. What a sexy face it was. I reached over and pushed his wet hair out of his face; our eyes met and you could see the heat ragging behind those baby blues. “Thanks for getting my stuff.” He handed me my blanket and I laid it across the swing to dry. “Hey Mandy.” He made my name sound so sexy, “You look extremely sexy in your blue bathing suit. It matches your beautiful eyes!” Wow! His sexy ass just called me sexy! Satan must be looking for a thick wool coat. “Uummm thanks a lot Cam! Hey you wanna get some dry clothes from Devin’s room? I’ma go change!” It was pouring like nothing you have ever seen outside. But that’s the weather in the summertime in the south for ya.

  I went to my room to change into something dry and I heard Cam going into Devin’s room. “Hey can I wait for Devin he said he be here in an hour?” He stepped thru my door. I had forgotten to close my door; being married I hardly ever closed my door. I needed to remember to do that. I gave Cam a complete view of my naked backside! How did he change so fast? I grabbed my shirt to cover my boobs; at least my thong covered the important stuff. And I turned to face Cam. “Oohh my God I’m sorry!” He was sooo soooo soooo red in the face. “Hey its cool I always forget to close the door. Plus I’m sure you’ve seen plenty of asses in your lifetime. Hot stuff!” I had to give myself props I had my back to him as I got dressed and he just stood there dumb founded. I finally turned to meet him eye to eye. “I’m sorry I should have left the room but I just couldn’t move!” It was awesome to know I had that effect on such a hot guy. Kevin must have been wrong about how ugly I was or maybe Cam needed to get laid worse than me.

  “Hey if the roles were switched I wouldn’t have left either!” That got a huge smile out of him. And yes you can wait for Devin.” Before I could get passed Cam he grabbed me by the arm and pulled me to his bare tan chest! “You know I like you right! And I don’t care how old you are!” He grabbed my chin and pulled my lips to his. Damn he was an excellent kisser! He was even better than Jason Ducass in the ninth grade. I felt his warm large hand caressing my cheek as his kissing deepened and changed emotions. It wasn’t lust. It was something very soft but still extremely sexual. My hand glided all over his chest, he moaned so loud his lips vibrated mine and I smiled. There was something about this kid that was manlier than I thought before. He ran those big sexy hands down my side all the way to my hips and pulled my body closer.

  Having a man attack me like this should scare me but instead it turned me on so crazily. I wasn’t sure what got into me. Finally, I had to come up for air. We just stood there forehead to forehead no words exchanged; just heavy breathing. “Cam….I…,” he cut me off. “Ssshhh Mandy it’s okay baby!” He pulled me to him and hugged me to tight, I was either gonna pass out or cry. It had been almost three years since a man had touched me with anything other than the need of his own pleasure. And driving home the point I was lucky he chose me. Cam made me feel sexy and new. Kevin made me feel replaceable and dated. Something about the way Cam held me in his arms expecting nothing in return. That sparked something deep within me that died a few years back with my happy marriage illusion. Desire! “Cam, will you kiss me again?” My voice was winded and my heart was racing. “Whatever you want baby!” He leaned in and gave it to me good this time and I wasn’t gonna stop.

  We kissed till my lips hurt and we were both breathless. I walked him to the bed to sit down; my knees were weak and he was taller than me. The rain was beating on the tin roof. “Hey Cam will you snuggle with me,” I whispered. “Yes darlin’ I will snuggle with you, but only under one condition!” Damn I walked into a hole. “What is your condition?” He was making a thinking expression that made me giggle. “Will you go on a date with me tonight?” Wow that was a lot more G-rated than I expected. But I’m not sure if I’m ready to date. “Well…Yes Cam I will, so get your ass up here on this pillow and snuggle with me!” He laughed, “Yes Ma’am.”

  We probably laid there for an hour before someone drove up the driveway blaring the horn. We both looked at each other and jumped up and headed to the front door. Devin pulled up first then probably ten seconds later Momma pulled up with a car load of groceries. So Cam and I dashed out to help them unload the overabundance of food. Momma always acted like she fed the neighborhood; but nine times out of ten she did. “Hey Cam sorry dude! I thought I’d be back sooner dude. Sorry for making you wait!” Cam tried not to look guilty or my way, “Dude its cool! Is that the last box of stuff from your place?” Wow that was news; I always assumed Devin stayed with Momma. “Yeah man I figured I’d move back in with Ma for the summer! Right Ma?” He sounded just like a kid. Yeah he was gonna spend that extra money partying. “Yes baby I am happy to have you and Mandy home! Mandy how long are you planning to stay?”

  Everyone was looking at me, but I had no idea. “Well Momma I ain’t sure. My lease is paid up for another ten months so I guess as long as I want!” And far as my job goes that was pretty much history when the divorce was signed. “Well baby not to be nosey how are you doing money wise?” That wasn’t what I was expecting and Devin chuckled. “Uummmm well Momma I’m more than fine in the money department. You know I am co-owner of mine and Kevin’s company. I don’t work there anymore but I still get paid.” Momma just nodded and Devin’s face lite up! Lord help me!

  “So can you spare a twenty for your little brother?”

  “So you’re my little bro when you want money?”

  “Yeah I guess so!” I walked to my purse in the hallway.

  “Hey I can do better than that!” I pulled three twenties from my wallet and handed them to him.

  “Damn sis I was just kidding!”

  “Well take it and have some fun!”

  ”Cam we gonna have fun tonight! Thanks sis!”

  “Hey man count me out. I got plans tonight!”

  “What kind of plans?”

  “I got a date!”

  “A date! A date with whom?” Devin shot Cam a ‘what the hell’ look and Cam smiled sheepishly. “I have a date with….ummm…I have a date with your sister!” Devin started laughing, “Huh, What? You must be delirious Cam!” Cam gave him a raised eyebrow. “No he’s not delirious we have a date tonight Devin!” It was funny because Cam smiled and Momma and Devin’s jaw was on the floor. I know it was a shock but damn people come on now. Finally, Devin closed his jaw, “Where ya’ll going then?” I looked over at Cam, “Where do you wanna go anyways?” Cam smiled, “Damn I didn’t think that far ahead. I never thought you’d say yes!” He almost looked relieved to unburden that thought. I myself chuckled at that little remark.

  “What kind of stuff do you like to do Mandy?” Geeze that was a good question when was that last time I actually had real fun? Maybe our age gaped was gonna come into play here. “
Anything really, movies, bars, clubs, just hanging out at the lake. Anything you want to do Cam!” Devin slapped Cam in the back of the head, “Not that Lee Roy!” I laughed so hard I about chocked. “How did you get Mandy to say yes? Are you black mailing her or something?” Man he was lame! “No Devin! He just asked me politely and I said yes. He’s cute and single so what’s wrong with it?” Cam had a blazing smile on his face and that made me smile at him. “That’s right son, Mandy can date anyone she wants.” Wow Cam even had Momma on his side. “Well Momma he is my best friend and Mandy calls him a kid!” Damn busted again was gonna be my theme. Maybe I needed to have that printed on a friggin’ shirt.

  “How ‘bout we drop this subject bro and get these groceries up! It ain’t up for negotiation!” I sounded all ‘boss lady’ on his ass. “Yes ma’am sis I don’t have a problem Cam is a good guy. Ya’ll just don’t piss each other off. That could be bad shit for me being in the middle!” Leave it up to dumbass to be so dramatic. I looked over at Devin over the top of the cabinet where I was putting up the can goods, “You majoring in drama there much buddy?” Cam and Momma died laughing, I mean seriously booming laughing. “Asshole, Damn I’ll never catch a break with your ass home!” He smiled and I knew he was happy I was home. I was too. Maybe Cam was a nice guy I could be friends with too. If Devin liked him that much maybe I could too. “After all it’s just one date!” For some reason I felt the need to add that. “Yeah Mandy don’t under estimate me. You may fall in love with me before the summer is over!” Yeah the kid had a double shot of hot shit this morning.