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  “Tyrian, baby, please.” He pulled back from her neck and she felt his hot breath against her as he laughed.

  “So needy, little succubus.” He punctuated his words by landing hard inside her. The move would have scooted her up on the bed if not for his arms around her. “I have never been happier in my whole life than I am in this very moment, Chloe.”

  Chloe squeezed him tight, her heart elated. “Me too, Ty. I love you.” His breaths

  deepened, strokes moved faster, and then he was back at her throat, mouth sucking eagerly.

  Chloe clenched, her knees trapping his hips tightly. Cries left her throat as his thrusts became shallow, repeatedly hitting her in that deep, dark spot. He knew what he was dong because he sent her off like a rocket. She bucked and cried out as hot release flooded his tunneling cock, trembled through her like an earthquake.

  He pulled out while her body still milked him and spun her around onto her stomach. He wrapped an arm low around her hips and arched her back towards him, then pushed back inside.

  “Are you ready?” His balls slapped against her sensitive pussy, drawing forth an orgasm that was sure to make the gods envious. As he waited for her answer, he kneed her legs wider so his sac slapped against her clit with each heavy thrust.

  “Yes, yes! I’m ready.” His wrist appeared before her mouth with two fang marks already there. Drops of blood beaded his thick wrist.

  “Take it, drink it, my love, and you’ll be mine forever.”

  Chloe’s mouth watered and her tongue darted out to lick the drops away. She heard him groan. His thrusts growing hard. The hand around her waist kept her still for his hammering cock, pushing and squeezing through her tight sheath.

  She pressed her mouth against him and then she drank. The first touch zapped her tongue like alcohol. Her eyes flew open and she realized it wasn’t coppery. It was rich with a hint of sweetness like spiced wine.

  Chloe fell into a haze of magic. Their bodies connected and mated on the most primitive, cellular level. She brought his very essence into her body and could feel his soul mingling with hers. His groans echoed her moans as the hot, pulsing sensation swept through them.

  For several earth-shattering moments time completely stood still for them. Blood to blood, they shared; they mated. They were one. The most erotic orgasm of her life erupted inside her. She screamed and heard his roar, felt his come spilling inside her blending with her own flooding release.

  They stayed that way for minutes, collapsing next to each face-to-face.

  “It is done,” he said, a smile playing at his lips. “Now nothing will ever separate us.”

  Chloe pressed a quick kiss to his lips. “And you’re sure you won’t regret it?” He pulled her close to him, chest to chest, heart to heart.

  “Never.” And then he kissed her.

  Chapter Thirty-two

  A wide, toothy yawn left Willow, drawing several people’s gazes as she meandered away from the train station.

  The Alpha wasn’t going to find her this time. She was sure of it. She’d backtracked her path several times and left little pieces of her clothing scattered all across Germany.

  It was long and time consuming and her legs felt like they couldn’t take another step.

  Each time she blinked, her eyelids hesitated to open again, so she bought a coffee from a café and chugged it even as it scalded her tongue and lips.

  She couldn’t go to sleep now. She needed to figure out her next plan. Her backtracking should keep Lyonis busy for a while, but he was smart and too damned good. He shouldn’t have even found her to begin with.

  The bitter thought had her wanting to question her dearly departed papa. She needed a necromancer to raise him so she could yell at him for this, because it was so unfair. Why him?

  Why the single kind of man she could never stand?

  She could best nearly any man at anything, but how was she supposed to continue to

  outrun a damn shapeshifter? It was impossible. She knew it on some deep level she didn’t want to voice aloud.

  She wouldn’t give up though. Failure was not an option. For every time she even

  considered giving in to him she saw flashes of him feeding her by hand, making her sleep at his feet and all sorts of nasty images. She shivered at the thought. Not her, no way.

  Checking her map, she located another train station within walking distance. She pulled a pair of shorts out of her backpack and rubbed them over her face before dropping them behind a trashcan at the station. This would be the last thing she left for him. From here on out, she was desperately trying to win her freedom.

  She started towards the second train station at a quick pace. Aside from being chased by a possessive he-man, she really enjoyed getting the time to see parts of Europe she’d never seen before. If only she had a camera with her….

  A shrill beeping had her jumping. She recognized the sound from her satellite phone.

  Muttering under her breath, she pulled the phone out of her backpack.


  “Thank God you answered. There’s…trouble.” The sound of Chloe’s voice was like a

  sigh a relief. But the phone was cutting out and she was missing words.

  “Say again? What?” she shouted into the phone.

  “Demon…gone. Love Tyrian. Come…want you…home.”

  “Yeah, okay. I’m trying to get home. Chloe, dammit, do you hear me?” She heard her

  sister’s voice fade in and out and then the line died.

  Willow growled at the damn phone and threw it into the nearest trashcan. Piece of shit.

  Well, she was coming home. What was that crap about loving Tyrian? Willow snorted, yeah right.

  A faint sound in the distance had Willow walking behind the train station to get a closer look at it.

  “What the…”

  There were farms and a forest in the distance. She was in a rural part of Germany and there weren’t many streetlights here to light things up. But there was no mistaking what she was seeing.

  Trees started shaking, not as if a wind was brushing against the branches, but like something was viciously shaking them. Slowly, the sound became clearer.

  Birds burst forth from the shaking trees, flying away, squawking. Willow looked around but it was late and she was alone behind the station.

  Something great appeared in the trees, standing high and tall above them. Willow’s jaw slowly fell open as the great beast, even so far in the distance, seemed to look right at her. Its massive mouth opened.


  Willow screamed until her voice was hoarse, then she didn’t hesitate a moment longer, and ran.

  About the Author

  T. A. Grey lives in Missouri where she spends her days writing and reading heart pounding stories in the comfort of her home. She has two wild cats that never leave her alone and a loving fiancé who surprises her with gifts of cherry taffy. She has a weakness for feeding stray cats, listening to old music, and trying out new recipes. After graduating with her Bachelor of Science in Professional Writing, she now spends her days filling up pages with sexy and imaginative stories. You can learn more about her books at