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Coming Home Page 3

  “I hate to sound mean but love is the last thing I want right now. If you haven’t heard I’m divorced. Obviously I’m flawed and old.” How did this damn conversation suddenly go back from light and fun to heavy? Damn it! “There ain’t a damn thing wrong with you and if that dumbass said otherwise he is a dumb fucker. Ohhh my God excuse my language Mrs. Hanson I’m soooo sorry!” Momma nodded, “It’s ok baby I agree one hundred percent!” Momma really seemed to like Cam a lot. But I didn’t know anything about him at all. But I was more than willing to learn. “Hey kids go hang out while I fix some lunch for us!” There’s my Momma always cooking. Devin headed for his room to change into dry clothes and Cam and I headed to the swing on the porch to watch the rain. “So you really think I am a kid?” Damn all this emotional talk shit. Well yes and no I thought to myself. But honestly since the bonfire my mind had changed. “Well I guess that was my way of trying to trick myself into liking you less. I’ve never liked a younger guy and five years is quite a bit!” I can’t believe I blurted that out.

  “Mandy I’m not a kid I might be twenty-two but I’ve been grown most my life. So you like me yeah?” I figured he caught that. “Well, all I know is of you physically and physically you are very attractive. So attractive I wish you’d put a shirt on because it’s hard to have a conversation without drifting eyes!” He snorted. “I could say the same thing about you and that tiny tank top. At least it’s bigger than your bathing suit. If that’s what you wanna call it!” He actually wiggled his eyebrows at me and I just giggled at his laid back-ness. I can’t believe I freakin’ giggled like a sixteen year old cheerleader at the star quarterback! What the fuck? Something about being home was laid back. It was a great relief from New York’s rush, rush, rush mentality.

  Our first date was gonna be awesome. Before we were to meet at the house I drove into the city and did some clothes shopping. I need more casual clothing; no need for suits here. I never dressed old but those girls Cam’s age at the mall where too close to street walker for me. I hit one of the American Eagle stores and lucked up. Their jeans where cute, tasteful, and sexy just like Cam. Damn where did that come from? The tanks and the shirts where cute I could totally rack up here; and that I did. I left the store with about five pairs of jeans, and eight pairs of shorts, two new bathing suits for the lake and Momma’s pool, tons of tanks, and a few pairs of shoes. The Victoria Secret and Bath and Body Work’s where across from me so I hit them both. It’s been a while since I went on a shopping spree and I was trying to hide the fact that my date with Cam was the reason for this. OOhhh crap they have a Claire’s here too; I am so gonna be broke.

  After over four hours at the mall, new clothes, new shoes, new jewelry, and a new line of body scents and lotion my feet hurt and my stomach growled. This was so much damn fun. I wanted to invite Stacy to go with me but she would read my nervousness and ask me a million questions. Sometimes having a friend that could read you so well was hell. But I was never nervous dating when I was younger; but also I didn’t or never had a chance to date a guy who looked like Cam. Yes Kevin was extremely good looking but a different kind of good looking. Kevin was attractive but Cam is sexy; two total opposites. Wow maybe I was in over my head. I never considered myself old I don’t know what had got into me since my divorce.

  Hell if a twenty-two year old thinks I am sexy than I must be because that is one sexy man. Well that is how I am gonna look at it; I’ll just channel my inner Stella and get my groove back. Maybe this could be a damn good summer and a damn good date. I will concur this night with my head held high, my booty looking good in my new jeans, and the sexy woman I have always been despite what Kevin said. Mandy is back and in full ‘have a fucking good time mode.’ Aaahhh I have missed you so much Georgia; home has always been where the heart is; but it’s also home to re-finding self-confidence. And maybe even re-finding myself after such a heart shattering marriage; I sure as hell hope so. Maybe one or two more stores before I go look for some grub and go home and re-try on all these clothes to find the perfect outfit to tease Cam. Yeah I think I already know what I am gonna wear unless I see something sexy at another store. Poor Cam is gonna be in for it.

  Every gorgeous twenty something man was in the Hollister. Damn when did Georgia get so many fine ass hotties. Guys won’t this good looking around here when I was twenty-two. These dudes were buff and were all smiling at me when I walked in. Okay! Okay I must admit this trip to the mall was totally helping the ‘ole self-esteem. I mean like a double shot of espresso kinda pick me up. I am so tooting my own horn. But ‘ole well no one can hear it. They were hot but no Cam hot. Okay I admit it I am actually excited about the date since I am alone. I could use some hot sex but I don’t know him well enough for that since truthfully I am still hurting over my fucktard of a husband. I mean ex-husband! Why is the ‘ex’ part so hard to remember. Ok Hollister hotties I got to roll out here. I swear I have never bought this much stuff at one time. I am waiting for the bank to call asking if I lost my debit card! Aaahhh good times.

  Man I stumbled upon a dead zone at the house. No one was home! That’s quite a shock no one has left me alone since I got here. I carried in my bags and hit the shower. I need time to get purdy and prepped. I had a look I was going for; and by God I was gonna achieve it before Cam got his hot ass here. There I go again poor fella’s ears must be ringing. You’d think I was all about looks but that’s really all I had to go on right now. Oh I totally loved my new pajamas I bought today. I was rocking those while I got ready. The knock at the door brought be away from rolling my hair. “Who is it?” I hoped it wasn’t Cam because it was nowhere near eight yet. “It’s Dev sis!” Ohh. “Come in bro.” He came in with wide eyes, “Damn did you buy the whole damn mall sis?” I could only wish. “NO baby bro I just don’t have any normal clothes. Almost all my clothes are dress clothes and cocktail dress, which won’t work around here; so I had to get a little of everything.”

  He nodded, “That makes sense; you should have took me I need a new wardrobe too.” Yeah in bro talk he wanted me to buy him a new wardrobe. I so would too. “Hey maybe we can go sometime this weekend; I saw a lot of clothes that would look good on you!” He kinda looked sad, “Well I kinda don’t have any real cash flow right now; if you know what I mean!” Cchhaaa. “I didn’t say I expected you to buy it maybe us and Mitchell can go. My treat; ya’ll know I love to dress ya’ll up. Eewww have you heard anything about Mitchell and Stacy?” That got a fire look in his eyes. “Well he doesn’t talk about her much but every time she comes around they get all cuddly and shit. I think they need a push. What you got in mind sis?” Hhmmm good question. “How ‘bout the lake Sunday for a cookout? Does Mitchell still have his boating license?” He shook his head no! “Hey but Cam does and he has a boat; he worked his butt off to pay for that thing; it’s his pride and joy!” We both smiled, “You think he’d be down for the lake? Ohhh I need to buy a boat. I always wanted one but ain’t much use for one in New York!”

  “Mandy if your there Cam will be more than happy to bring his boat!” Good. “Tell him I’ll buy the gas for it. And we’ll have to go to town early Sunday or maybe Saturday night and get all the supplies. I’ll need your help for that; you know beers and steaks aren’t my specialty.” Man it sounded fun already and I just bought two new bathing suits. “You know Cam hasn’t shut up about you. I have never seen him act this way before; it’s kinda odd. He is so excited about tonight, he said he about passed out when you said you would go out on a date with him. Ya’ll worked out a plan yet?” Hmm nope! “No, what’s his number? Hey text him and see if he wants to go to dinner and to Skullies! I haven’t been there in years. Call Carlie and we can double or something because I’m pretty fucking nervous. But don’t tell anyone okay. Do the girls still dress like hoes there?” Aahhh I remember those hoe days! He laughed so hard my bed shook and I laughed with him. God it was so good to be near happy people again.

  Devin’s phone rang talking about pimpin’ hoes. And he took
that minute to demonstrate his dance moves. God bless that poor fella. “What’s up my pimp brotha from anotha motha?” Oh my God that boy won’t right! “Okay Mandy is over here getting sexy and wading thru the new wardrobe she just bought. Yeah dude she cleaned out the mall. Yeah! Yeah! I see a Victoria’s Secret bag you may be in luck big boy!” Uhh! “Shut up Devin or I’ma f-you up!” He laughed, “Damn I’m scared Cam she is gonna f-me up! Not fuck me up but f-me up! Okay but anyways! Here’s the plan Mandy wanted to know if it’s cool if me and Carlie go to dinner than Skullies with ya’ll? She’s kinda nervous because you’re so sexy, so she needs someone to rein her in if she gets too loose!” Oh hell no the fucker didn’t! “Hey Cam he is full of shit I swear I’ma choke him on his dirty socks. So is it cool with you? I just have one awkward request; see I’m paying for Devin and Carlie since it was my idea, will you let me pay for yours too? Because I got a huge favor to ask of you Sunday. Yeah I know but I want to be fair and I can’t make you pay when they ain’t! Just listen to my favor first okay hun! Can we take your boat out Sunday for a cookout; Me, You, Carlie, Devin, Mitchell, and Stacy? I figured we could go shopping tomorrow for the supplies. Hey gas ain’t cheap! Yeah I know please Cam! Ohhh ok awesome thanks hun!” I gave Dev back the phone, “Dude she called you hun like twice I mean that’s half way to first base!” I swear that kid cracks me up!

  If he only knew! Did cuddling in my bed count as first base? Hell I don’t even remember the bases anymore. Hhmmm I’d ask Devin for a refresher but I just couldn’t handle that convo with his ass. He was quite a cute brother; actually he was above cute and the girls around here loved the hell out of that boy. He just drew in good vibes; just like Cam did too. Damn maybe Skullies wasn’t the best place after all. I’ma gonna have to watch younger women hang all over him. EErrrrr is it too late to cancel the date? Or maybe I could just see how well we would mesh together with our age difference.

  Regardless I planned on being the best looking woman there. That was my mantra for tonight; maybe it could give me a confidence. “Hey Dev what do you think I should wear?” He shot me a look, “Why the hell you asking me?” True, true! “I figured since you had such good taste in women (cough, cough) you would help me pick something out; or tell me if you like it!’ That sounded believable. “Nah you want to know if Cam would like it. I mean Mandy you’ll look good in anything. You are a very beautiful woman.” Aaahh I thought that was sweet and I needed that right now. “Dev that was almost precious!” He laughed, “Don’t push it! Me-precious hardly!”

  “Wow you bought some really, hhhuuuuummmmmmm how do you say this to your sister, hot clothes! Do you normally dress like this in New York?” Good question. “Honestly, yes and no; most of the time I wear dresses and fitted suits; I never owned this many sets of relaxed clothing. But since I picked it all out it is stuff I’d wear if I had places to wear it in New York. Most the places we went had a dress code or an implied one so it was always dress to the nines; which sadly I am more comfortable with than jeans. But I guess I can get use to them again, since I ain’t required to wear couture to Skullies!” We both laughed. “Yeah that would be a sight,” Devin said. “Hey well I will ignore the fact your my sister and suggest you try on this blue top and these jeans; if you want to wear jeans. Another choice would be the blue jean skirt and the hot pink top. I am sure you got shoes and stuff right,” he laughed so loudly Momma knocked on the door. “Lord Mandy what store did you rob?” Momma pointed to the skirt, “You plan on wearing that in public young lady.” Dev and I cracked up.

  “Hey Momma Devin picked it out for me to wear on my date tonight!” Momma gave him a stern look. “Is that what this explosion of clothes is all about?” I seriously didn’t think I bought all that much shit, come on now people! “Yeah I already told Devin I needed some clothes that worked around here not in an office in New York.” Momma nodded, “Makes damn good sense to me!” What Momma cussed?” “Try on the skirt and that brown top over there!” I shot Momma a ‘what the hell’ look. “Don’t shoot me a ‘what the hell’ look missy!” She could barely keep a straight face. “Here with these shoes and those accessories; hurry so we can see how it looks and then I’ll help you take the curlers out! And your makeup looks phenomenal.” Wow Momma had taste and was pulling out the big guns.

  About five or six minutes later I emerged from the bathroom attached to my bedroom with horror. Was I really ready for a date I had only been actually divorced for a few weeks; though I had been away from Kevin for over a year. It just felt real at this moment. “Ohhh my God Mandy you look hot. What’s wrong sis?” Devin looked worried and Momma looked like she knew. “She just realized she is finally divorced for real. Mandy darling you look great and I want you to go out and have fun. This is just a date no one is asking you to marry anyone. Just find yourself and the rest will fall into place.” I swear my Momma was so awesome. “Well finish up your makeup and I will hang these clothes up and help with your hair. Cam will be here in forty-five minutes.” Okay I could do this.

  “Wow well I am gonna hit the shower and get ready then. Carlie is gonna meet me here at eight. Mandy you do look really pretty if you weren’t my sister girlfriend I’d give ya hell!” God he was funny and Momma was laughing at my closet. I really loved and missed these guys. “Well since you’re such a hottie I will take that as a compliment. Love you Dev!” He turned around, “Love you too sis I have really missed you!” With a smile and wink he walked out the room. I was there staring after him. Yeah I was where I was supposed to be. Momma cleared her throat, “Look all cleaned up now; how about those rollers?” It felt like my first date all over again.

  “Mandy I am really proud of you and I am so glad you are home. Cam is a really great guy. The kid has been through a lot in his life but you would never know by the way he acts. I know he is younger than you in age but both ya’ll share a lot of life experience. I just want you to have fun and relax baby. You look beautiful as always!” Geeze I love Momma; her and Devin were both trying to relax me in their own way. But actually I was nervous for different reasons than they thought. I had been on dates since the spilt with Kevin but I had never been attracted to anyone the way I was to Cam. And I knew he had a long line of fans too. And he was younger so I worried how big of a problem that would play. Regardless I was gonna give him a fair chance; after all what could it hurt I wasn’t gonna be here forever if it went bad anyways

  Chapter Three:

  A burst of laughter from down stairs drew my attention from my appearance and Momma placed her hand on my shoulder. “Did you remember deodorant, perfume, and lotion?” Hmmm? “Yes I remembered deodorant! Will you hand me that Bath and Body Works bag Momma?” I had to get a new body spray because my heavy perfume would attract way too many bees here. “OOhhh new perfume? I bet you bought new underwear too.” I blushed so red; Momma just laughed and shook her head. “Hey Mandy are you ready to go?” Devin’s voice startled me so bad I jumped three feet off my vanity stool. “I guess it’s show time Momma.”

  Momma was making funny comments as we walked down the stairs. The audience at the end of the stair case was gawking with their mouths wide open. For a minute I wondered if I had a pair of underwear stuck to my skirt. “Damn where can I get a set of legs like those. She was hiding all that under sweats,” Carlie giggled. I chuckled I didn’t want her to know I heard her. “Mandy you really look beautiful. I would have never thought you could get more beautiful....I mean…..Wow…” How sweet. “Cam, stop rambling,” Dev giggled. “Thanks Cam you look really good too.” He was wearing a blue polo shirt that matched his eyes and a pair of khaki cargo shorts. And he even fixed his hair. God Lord he was breath taking.

  That broad chest was pulling that polo tight. Yummy! “Hey we might need to take two cars in case we need to leave early.” That look in Devin’s eyes let me know that I didn’t want to know. “Ewww okay whatever! Don’t wanna know.” We headed out the door. “Kids ya’ll have fun. And I must say ya’ll clean up good.” We all h
ugged and thanked Momma.

  I threw my keys at Cam. “Hey you can drive.” I pulled the car cover off my car; sap can ruin the hell out of a paint job. I really needed to get Momma a bigger garage. “NO fucking way. You gonna let Cam drive your car. You won’t even let me drive it and I’m your brother!” Cam looked shocked and Dev looked less mad than he acted. “Hey you can drive my Lexus I am sure Carlie don’t wanna get up and down in such a high truck in that skirt.” She looked at me like I read her mind and tossed Dev the keys. “Hey it has a new sound system and my IPod is hooked up to it.” Cam just stared at the Bubble Bee keychain in his hands.

  “Oohhhh my God Mandy this is a 2010 Chevrolet Camaro Transformers Special edition!” Yes Cam I speak Car and Driver; but I wasn’t gonna burst his bubble. “Yeah I’m a dork! I had to have it when I seen it. I love Transformers.” He smiled, “Me too babe!” Carlie skipped to the Lexus and Cam came and kissed me on the cheek. “Thank you Mandy for letting me drive this.” He held the car open for me. The engine purred to life and I sighed, damn I love this car. “Babe this is awesome I’d never be able to afford a ride like this in my life!” I was totally happy he loved my car as much as I did. “I bet the payments are high!” Huh, “Ohhh uhhh no it’s paid for!” Yet again the talk of money made us both uncomfortable.

  We had the windows down and the music up load. It was a great ride to Big Mike’s restaurant. It was a local place but if the food was as good as I remembered it would rival any big chain. Everyone at the stop lights were checking out my car; even though they thought it was Cam’s. A car full of really pretty teenagers pulled up eyeing Cam more than the car. “Hey I am gonna have to let you borrow my car to go girl scouting; the chics are really digging you.” He gave me a devilish grin, “Even though I’d love another chance to drive your car I’d much rather prefer the woman in the passenger seat. I bet she is more woman than I can handle.” Damn good answer hot stuff; I could feel the blush on my face. He reached over and grabbed my hand, “Mandy you are so beautiful, smart, and very interesting. I am really looking forward to getting to know you better; you are full of surprises. I just don’t know how I didn’t know Devin had just an amazing sister.” Okay he was making me melt.