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  Chloe couldn’t stop the blush from coloring her cheeks. She didn’t know if it was from embarrassment or the compliment that he gave her, but she didn’t have to think about it because a door slammed down the hall and out strode her deadly captor. Her heart beat with each step he came closer to her.

  She watched his eyes, watched them narrow on both of them, and darken with something close to menace. “Draven, you’re due for training today. Don’t stop until I send for you.” Draven pulled back into an erect stance that mimicked the commanders. He bowed and marched away.

  “But he was going to take me to get food,” she said. Okay, it was a borderline whine, but she couldn’t help it. She hated being hungry, that starving feeling was in her belly and coming in full force. She tried to look at him, but it was hard to meet his eyes. They were too smart, too strong. Eyes of an eagle. “He didn’t do anything wrong,” she added for good measure. She had a feeling that the commander was upset with Draven and naturally, she felt the need to protect him, such was her nature. One dark eyebrow rose at her words.

  “As a matter of fact he did. Yesterday he allowed one of his hurt team members to carry you just for a laugh. That is unacceptable and for that, he shall train twice as long. A fledgling would know better than to do that.” His words moved to some hollow place in the back of her mind leaving her to focus all her thoughts on his scent, his body. Her heart skipped a beat. He smelled good. Really good. Was the new moon making her hormones go crazy or was this all real?

  Her tongue felt too heavy to speak. “I’m sorry. You really shouldn’t punish him. He’s really nice.” It was a sore argument and she knew it and what was worse, he gave her a cold look that said and this is why you aren’t a warrior. She was sure he was right too.

  “I will take you to get food and then I will show you the parameters of the castle within which you are allowed and the areas where you are not allowed.”

  She made a mental note to go into all the rooms from which she was banned first. His eyes narrowed a fraction on hers. She smiled big and sweet. He couldn’t mind-read, could he?

  She’d heard vampires could have powers, but a vampire mind-reader sounded ridiculous to her.

  Time to test it out. I came in the shower while thinking about you fucking me.

  Okay, so it wasn’t the best of mental projections but he didn’t even blink so she was pretty sure she was safe. Even the iceman would have some kind of reaction to that.

  He held out a hand to indicate the stairs. “Follow me.” She did. She also kept looking at the way the hard strength of his back tapered to a tight, lean waist and wondered what it would feel like to wrap herself around him like a pretzel.

  He cut her a sharp look and she blinked at him innocently.

  “Are you a mind reader?”

  He didn’t scowl at her, because the man didn’t show any emotion on his face, but she sensed that he was scowling at her. This man could easily win any poker contest he entered. And he wouldn’t even need sunglasses.

  “No.” He led her through a massive room with high, vaulted stone ceilings and large archway windows, again with no covering of any kind over them. Seriously, put a screen up or something, she wanted to say. She was actually surprised not to see any torches on the walls.

  Electric sconces lit the castle walls where needed. Alongside old paintings, pieces of cloth that looked like old blankets and swords hung in an X pattern on the wall.

  Chloe quickened her pace to keep up with his long one. “How did you know my father?”

  He didn’t answer as they entered a small kitchen. Considering the size of every other room in the house, which could easily house a giant, this room was like the kitchen in a studio apartment.

  “Of course, vampires don’t eat.” A blush crept over her cheeks as Tyrian spun slowly on his heel to peer at her, just the slightest tilt to his head said he was curious...or thought she was mad. “Sorry,” she mumbled. She swore that every time he looked at her, she had to remind herself how to breathe.

  The sensation reminded her of being back in high school. She’d had a crush on A.J.

  Hammer, a name barely sexier than the real boy himself. He wore a black leather jacket, short cut black hair, and dark eyes. He was nice, too. He sat in front of her in geometry and about once a week he’d turn around and ask to borrow a pencil or paper, and her lungs would freeze up as he looked at her and her heart would race so fast.

  Twelve years later and she was experiencing those same sensations all over again.

  Although this time she wasn’t some shy girl, and he was one of the greatest leaders in the world.

  “The food is in there. Make something now and be quick about it. I do not have much free time.” Chloe scoffed at his attitude but moved to the fridge he indicated. She found enough items to make a decent sandwich. When she was done making it, she started eating with flourish. She hadn’t even realized how hungry she was until now. And now that she thought about it, she hadn’t eaten since that little airplane meal on the flight to London. When she finished he started to leave the room. She hurried to keep up.

  “So how do you know my father, again?” He moved his arms behind his back and gently held his wrists. The look clearly stated that he was indeed a commander.

  “I fought with your father in the Great War.”

  Chloe’s feet stopped moving, and she could only gape at his back, stunned. The Great War was legendary among supernaturals. It was the battle between supernaturals and demons.

  One thousand years ago, the rift that now separated the two worlds was open and demons rampaged among the earth, wreaking havoc and destruction. Though now some argue that that wasn’t the case. Only certain demons harmed anything, the idummi. Others were honorable and family-oriented.

  The infamous Atal Warriors was an organization that was created just to combat these magical, strong demonic beings. While not alive during the Great War, Chloe had heard enough stories and even epic poems written about the event. The war lasted for eighty-five years. When it was over, the Atal Warriors had prevailed and driven the demons into the rift that lead to the nether-realm, a space beneath the earth from whence the demons were born.

  In the last several hundred years there have been many beings whether vampire,

  shapeshifter, or even succubi who have spoken out against the war. These people stated that the war was a huge injustice, that the demons were not at fault, but we were; that the war was all lead by one man for vengeance. And that man was Tobius en Kulev, Tyrian’s father and the original commander of the Atal Warriors.

  “Wait, my father was never in that war.”

  Tyrian stopped walking and turned around to face her. “I do not lie, Ms. Bellum.”

  Chloe shook her head to clear it. “Just call me Chloe. Listen, my father and I were close.

  He never once mentioned anything like this. You must be wrong.”

  “Ms. Bellum, I did not just fight in the war with your father, I fought beside him. He was one of our Generals. A fine fighter.”

  Chloe was shaking her head. “Impossible. Papa always said that the war was wrong. That he believed what the Atal did was wrong. That the idummi demons were the only problem, not all of them.”

  Tyrian’s brow furrowed, a small show of emotion. “I am not surprised by that. People do change, especially when one has lived as long as Francis did. I assure you that we fought alongside each other. How else do you explain my debt to him?” He turned around and started walking. Chloe stalked after him.

  “Wait, what does that mean? Did he save you or something? How is it that he never told me he was a general in the organization? That’s huge. Oh my God, I can’t believe he never told me.” Something in her voice had him turning back to her. His hand rose as if to touch her but dropped back in place.

  “What would it have changed if he had told you? Perhaps he did not want you to know about something so ugly. You are his daughter, after all. And the Great War is not something one tells a
delicate daughter. Everyone has a dark side.”

  Shock and dismay were quickly replaced by anger. Delicate? She was too delicate to be told bad news? It wasn’t even that bad really, just shocking. She stalked to him, bumping into his chest, which pushed her back rather than him.

  “Listen here, Commander. I am not some delicate thing that has to be coddled. I don’t whimper, and I don’t whine. No, I’m not some tough as nails warrior vampire like you, but that doesn’t make me some simpering female who needs a man to protect her—”

  “Obviously your father felt differently seeing as you are here under my protection now.”

  Her mouth fell open. A second later, her palm shot out towards his face. He moved so fast she didn’t see it. His hand caught hers easily. She was breathing fast, each gasp brushing her sensitive breasts against his hard chest. Anger diffused quickly into something darker, wetter.

  She licked her dry lips and his eyes fell to the movement. Something dark and toe curling unraveled in his dark eyes.

  She had no idea how many moments passed, maybe even minutes, which they just stared at each other with her wrist held in his hand up in the air. She knew her breaths had deepened to languid pulls that slowly, achingly grazed her hard nipples up and down across his chest. A blooming, wet heat pooled between her legs. Never had she wanted a man to kiss her so badly in her life.

  Suddenly he let go of her wrist and stepped away from her. His steps were just as sure and slow as before. He wasn’t even breathing hard. Now she wished she’d gotten in that slap.

  Chloe followed him. He showed her clearly, even making her repeat after him, the areas of the castle she was not to wander into, and which ones she could. When it was done, she saw that he had her marked off into the living area, the tiny kitchen, her bedroom, and a couple of hallways. Considering how big this place was, he was being stingy. She kept her mouth shut, though, and nodded at him as he looked expectantly at her.

  One thing Tyrian didn’t know about her was that she’d always been a poor listener, and even worse at obeying the rules. Obviously her papa had left out that little bit of info.

  She had only a vague idea of where he slept so as he went into elaborate detail over how she couldn’t leave the castle, she debated over searching and exploring his bedroom first or the entire wing he’d said was off limits. Office first, then the bedroom, she thought and gave him a big smile.

  He faltered for the barest of seconds in his speech then continued. The fact that he wasn’t immune to her didn’t go unnoticed. Perhaps this vampire commander was not so cold. Maybe he just needed to be warmed up and she had just the heat to do it.

  Chapter Eight

  Henry paused. Dammit, there was that sound again. Closing the door to the training room harder than necessary, he stalked down the hall to find out what it was. Quieting his steps as he neared the door to the study, he leaned close to the door and sniffed. As he swung the door open, an easy smile broke out over his lips.

  The succubus spun around with a gasp, a quick blush creeping over her cheeks. Her eyes were big and round. She peeked behind him as if searching for someone else.

  “Don’t worry the Commander isn’t here. You’re lucky I caught you and not him. He

  doesn’t allow anyone in his study unless he’s in here and usually then it’s under orders.”

  “Yes, well, I was just bored and wanted to take a look around the place.”

  “I thought the Commander showed you around earlier today?” He cooled his smile into a flat line, though inside he was laughing. Several emotions flitted over her face as if she was quickly trying to come up with a lie.

  “Yes, well, he did take me around but he didn’t really let me stop to enjoy anything. I couldn’t sleep and thought I would explore the castle.”

  Henry jerked his head to the hallway. “Come on, out with you. If I leave you here

  knowingly it’ll be my arse on the line.”

  She stumbled out quickly and he shut the door behind her. She was a pretty one, he

  thought looking at her. Her hair was brown with just a hint of copper in it, and her gray eyes sparkled from excitement.

  “Okay, I’ll just be going to bed.”

  “Be sure you make it there. You’re safe from the Commander and anyone else here

  but...” he hesitated over his words then said, “he isn’t the kindest of men.”

  Chloe nodded quickly and started away. She turned back, “Wait. Do you know when the next new moon is?”

  His face pulled into a frown. “Why?”

  “It’s important. It’s a...succubus thing.” She might as well have said it’s a feminine matter. He literally took a step back.

  “Two days.”

  “How sure are you?”

  He thought about it. “Very sure.”

  “Okay, thanks a lot. What’s your name?”

  “Henry.” She poked out her hand and he shook it.

  “Chloe,” she said. “Well goodnight, Henry. Thanks for the info.”

  “Stay out of trouble,” he warned and a devilish grin broke out over her face.

  Henry waited until the succubus disappeared up the stairs before he went down into the training room. He flicked the fluorescent overhead lights on; the buzz of the lights already soothed an ounce of tension from him. Opting for the punching bag, he went to the corner of the room to tape up his hands. Working out always soothed him. He wrapped the tape carefully around his bare hands for the perfect fit. He flexed his taped hands to make sure the binding was not too tight or loose.

  He started slowly, with a one-two rhythm. His muscles warmed in his arms and stomach and bent legs. He faked left and right as he landed a rapid succession of blows to the bag. Soon he hit the bag harder, cutting into it, pounding it with his fists with deeply satisfying strikes that eased the thoughts on his mind while also setting them free.

  Yesterday he’d kissed Nanu. His right hook caught the bag and sent it soaring high into the air before it swung back down. Beautiful, golden Nanu. He shouldn’t have. Fuck if he didn’t know that, but some selfish part of him had been desperate to know how she tasted.

  Some part had even wondered that maybe if he just got one taste, a sample, then he could move on from her. Stop thinking about her every time he returned from a mission, every time he walked the halls and wondered if he’d run into her, every time he lay his head against his pillow at night.

  It hadn’t worked. If anything, it was worse. She was like a drug he’d tasted and now craved with every fiber of his being. He’d thought she’d invaded his thoughts before, now she had moved in, unpacked and was sleeping there. Nanu with her sharp mind, steady hands, and husky voice. Nanu and the way she looked at him with innocence and desire. Nanu, the golden goddess, he couldn’t have.

  He shoved all his anger and energy into his punches, felt the distant slick of sweat beating down his face. Each thud pounded, echoed in his ears until all thoughts of her were pushed from his mind and all he saw was the red blur of the bag swinging with each of his hits.

  A soft touch at his back, had him spinning around with a growl, his arm pulled back ready to throw. He stopped, shaking with the force to stay his arm from finishing the punch.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” he growled, his voice laden with hot anger.

  Nanu trembled and looked from him to his fist as he slowly lowered it. When she looked back at him, he saw fear there and wanted to laugh. See, this was why. That look.

  “I, I heard noise down here and wanted to see who it was.”

  Shaking his head, he sat heavily on the bench and started pulling the tape off his hands.


  “I was just curious.” He didn’t look at her, couldn’t. For all he knew she had a fling going on with one of the other warriors. It wouldn’t surprise him in the least. She was gorgeous, smart, gentle. What kind of man could resist? He was on the verge of asking her which warrior it was, but bit his tongue until pain lanced thro
ugh him.

  He finished pulling the tape off and grabbed a towel to wipe up the sweat from his face.

  His shirt and shorts were plastered to him but whatever. She’d seen him at worse times. And she was fucking off limits.

  “You know you really shouldn’t be exercising so soon. I gave you a four day reprieve from any training.” She sounded concerned. She probably was. There was so much sweetness in her. Things he didn’t know how to deal with.

  “I know,” he said gruffly. He snatched a bottle of water from the mini-fridge and downed the whole thing.

  “Then why are you here, Henry?” She sounded exasperated.

  Well good, let her be pissed. She shouldn’t have kissed him. I shouldn’t have let her.

  Gotta get out of here. He made for the door, but she stepped in front of him. It was either brush by her to get around her or push her away. He couldn’t make himself do either.

  “I was working out, as you saw. Move out of my way, Nanu.” Her lips were dark, the

  color of dark cherry.

  “No,” she said with a lift to her chin. “I want to talk about what happened.”

  He sighed loudly and peered over at the punching bag. He could probably work the bag for at least another couple of hours. He started towards it, but a soft hand pulled on his arm. He looked down, his eyes narrowing on the stark contract of her bronzed skin to his lighter skin. It made his gut clench.

  “There’s nothing to talk about, Nanu.” He watched her jaw tighten. The same way it did when she was working over a warrior, stitching him up. It was her look of pure, raw determination. Her I-will-not-fail look, and it was aimed at him. He was screwed. “Fine, talk fast. I need to get out of here.”

  “Why have you been avoiding me? I sent a note that you should check in with me today so I can rewrap the gauze with a clean one.”

  “You know why I didn’t come by.” He looked at her, his eyes unflinching in their

  honesty. He watched her swallow hard. Her cheeks darken with color. Dammit. He needed to get out of here.