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  She kept her cheek to the rug, didn’t have the energy to look back at him. She simply panted and waited, her stomach clenched in anticipation, her core slick with creamy heat.

  The softest sound, a whisper of movement. What was that? Then the undeniable sound of a zipper being pulled down. A moan left her and she arched further back into him. She wanted his hands back on her. Where were they?

  “Touch me,” she said raggedly.

  He didn’t.

  Long seconds passed and then finally, blissfully, one chilly hand, not nearly as cold as it’d been before, rested on her hip. Fingers curled into her just like she wanted, holding her.

  Another whisper of movement and she stopped trying to decipher what it was and simply waited, feeling. An impression of heat pressed against her thighs and ass. As if he was approaching her but not quite touching.

  Then a hard presence was at her entrance. Every single muscle in her body tightened, waiting. She held her breath. Now was the time. But he didn’t push inside.

  The hard head of him pushed against her wet core. He didn’t detour inside but pushed down through her soft, wet folds and rubbed across her swollen, needy bud. She cried out, the contracted muscles going limp. A little more, just a little more and she’d soar higher than any bird.

  But his touch didn’t trace over her bud again, it dipped back up to her entrance and she couldn’t stop herself, couldn’t keep from rocking her hips back and taking him the barest of inches inside her.

  She thought she heard his breath catch but wasn’t sure of anything. His other hand

  finally, wonderfully, curved around her other hip.

  Then the pressure at her sex grew. It was thick, hot, and wide. Fingers scraping into the carpet, she gasped, feeling like she was being ripped open but without any pain. It was sharp, intense, and so, so good.

  “Yes!” she hissed. She wanted him to slam inside, to move hard and fast and give her what she needed. But, dammit, he didn’t.

  He moved inside her achingly slow as if he had all the time in the world. He pushed into her unused channel with a massive rod of hard, satiny steel. He stopped moving and her body adjusted around him, forming as he filled her. He reached her virgin barrier and took it like a conqueror, quickly and ruthlessly. No pain, only an incredible hot, stretched sensation as he filled her up.

  His fingers dug into her hips and another wave of cream drenched through her, over his cock. Again she thought she heard him say something, make some sound, but her blood was beating so loudly in her ears, and her breathing so heavy she couldn’t be sure of anything. One final push and he squeezed himself all the way into her tight flesh.

  Chloe gasped and tried to lock in all the sensations firing through her body. Good, so good, was the only coherent thought she could make before he was dragging himself back through her wet sex. An insane thought that he was going to pull out too soon roared in her mind, so she wrapped her ankles around his legs. Now she knew he made a sound, a husky moan. It was brief but, dammit, she’d heard it.

  “Please,” she said, need making her voice ragged and hoarse.

  Then, something was let loose inside him. He started thrusting, landing hard and deep inside her. She only lasted two of those thrusts before she was shaking with the most intense orgasm of her whole life.

  Screams tore from her throat, her core milked hard over his tunneling thrusts. She shook all over as burning fire exploded from within her, broke through her skin, and sent her soaring higher and higher. The last wave of the fire broke away and drifted down, the shaking in her body subdued to a tremble then stopped. She opened her eyes and was surprised to find she could see.

  He’d also stopped thrusting. She needed more. There was still a raging fire inside her.

  She needed another release, needed him to douse that fire with his.

  “More,” she begged raggedly.

  “No.” He started to pull out of her. With a fierce growl that surprised even her, she locked her legs around him and sent him surging full and hard inside her. She gasped and did not mistake his groan.

  Her legs gripped him, keeping him locked inside her. The hands on her hips tightened, creating tight, hot sensations where he touched her.


  His hips retreated, her grip loosening just enough to let him, and then he slid back into her, hitting her as deeply as possible.

  “One more,” he said.

  Then he hammered into her with hard, punishing thrusts that tingled her skin everywhere from the inside out. Her toes curled, nipples hardening to painful points. Goose bumps broke out over her body, and then she screamed. The fire erupted in her core shooting forth waves of hot cream, dousing her channel, smothering his cock. She screamed again and again as unstoppable waves pulsed through.

  He took her even higher that time. Took her even longer to come back down to earth. He was still hard and deliciously thick inside her. She rocked forward and back along his cock, soaking him with her juices.

  “No.” His voice just as ragged as hers. Was that a tremble she heard?

  Then he dislodged himself and tore away from her. Chloe gasped and spun around to see him coming to a stand. He looked...amazing. His cheeks held a dark blush to them, his lips were wet like he’d licked them, and he moved quickly, pushing his still hard cock back into his pants.

  “But you didn’t—”

  “No, that wasn’t what this was about.”


  “Enough.” The commander was back in his voice, lacing his words with pure ice. He

  smoothed his clothes back into place. “I’ll give you a minute, then you are to leave this room.

  You can’t stay in my study.” He turned and strode from the room before she could say a word.

  Chloe looked after him stunned. Eventually she found the energy to pull her shirt back on. She couldn’t help but feel like he’d just slapped her in the face.

  He’d liked it, that was why he was so quick to beat feet out of here. She came to a shaky stand and vowed to have him again until he gave her his all. She would have all or nothing. And with each passing day of her new moon, she would grow to need sex daily. She wanted only him.

  And next time, he would finish.

  Chapter Ten

  “Send a team out to control the breakthrough at point 47, 39. Make it a clean sweep.”

  “Of course,” replied Rayn. He bowed at his orders and left.

  For the first time since he could remember, Tyrian, leader of the Atal Warriors was restless. There was no quieting his mind. Or his body, for that matter. His balls ached with a fierce, angry pain. Normally he didn’t mind such pain, it served to keep him strong, alert, but this pain did no such thing. Its sole purpose, it seemed, was to remind him of earlier that afternoon and one distracting succubus. She was a mere child by his standards, just now reaching the 29th year of the succubi’s life cycle.

  His eyes fell to the carpet, which was nearly as old as he was. He’d fit himself to her there, above all the warnings screaming in his head, and had taken her body. He’d been brutal, hard. He hadn’t wanted to do it to begin with but no matter how gentle he’d tried to be, he’d still ended up taking her like some beast.

  Women were gentle creatures to be protected and cared for, whence why she was here to begin with. She was not to be savaged and hammered into like some whore. He couldn’t even help himself. At first the sensations had been...indescribable.

  She looked incredible in all her nudity. He could easily see her in a painting, lying among leaves and trees, one arm wrapped above her head tenderly. Though he’d never let another’s eyes look upon it. As quickly as he had the thought, his heart hardened with anger. This was why he didn’t encourage his men to keep women. This...this whatever you called it was already becoming a nuisance, intruding upon his thoughts when he should be working.

  Feeling a shaking in his arm, Tyrian looked down, an eyebrow cocking in surprise as he realized his hand was turned into
a tight, white-knuckled fist. He flexed his hand, stretching his fingers. Already she was causing problems. It was his fault. He would have to work harder to ignore her charms. The succubus held a magic to her that seemed to keep drawing his attention no matter how much he fought it.

  First it was little things like noticing the swell of her breasts in that towel on the first night or the color of her hair in the sunlight. Now he’d seen her naked for the second time and hadn’t bothered to look away, couldn’t have if he’d wanted to.

  She captured him so easily. Enchanted him like some child. Perhaps his guard was wrong about succubi’s magical abilities. Maybe she was some kind of enchantress.

  Even still, so many hours later, his cock was a heavy, hard mass between his legs. The ache in his balls screamed at him to take a release, even by his own hand, something he hadn’t done in centuries. He had no need for sexual release in his job. He required only blood to survive. But one small succubus comes by and ruins everything.

  No, not everything was ruined. He’d fought an entire race of demons, pushed them back to where they belonged. What had started as a small war front was now an empire of warriors.

  All that he’d built with his own sweat and blood. The temptation of one little woman would not fell him.

  Standing from his desk, he went to his chambers. He would kill this ache and be done with it and her. She was here for protection and nothing else. She would have to find one of the warriors to service her from now on. He would not continue to allow her to distract him.

  He opened the door to his bedroom and sat on the bed he never slept in. One of his best warriors showed keen interest in the succubus. He’d looked upon her with sexual heat. Draven would happily pleasure Chloe. An image flashed through his mind of Draven cupping her soft breasts, licking her pink nipples. His mind blackened with rage. What if he hurt her? Marred her skin. She was so soft and pale. Would Draven act any different than he’d been?

  In an explosion of anger, Tyrian grabbed a knife off the table by his bed and threw it.

  Whack. It landed deeply embedded in the wall by the door, the blade twitching side to side.

  Dammit, he was ready to get this over with. Release, then he’d get back to work. That always kept him calm. It was the only thing capable of keeping her off his mind.

  Earlier he’d wondered what she liked. First it was sexual, since he was watching her thrash on the carpet naked at the time. Did she like her nipples to be sucked, licked, pinched?

  Would she scream his name if he claimed her soft, pink pussy with his mouth like he’d salivated to do then?

  Later tonight, even as one of his top generals relayed information on rogue demons

  escaping from the rift, his mind had been adrift in questions. About her. What would her blood taste like?

  He drank from Lucinda, his frimar. Most of the warriors kept one. A willing recipient who let you feed. She was currently in her chamber across the hall. He’d need to visit her soon.

  His bloodlust was growing.

  Strangely it wasn’t Lucinda’s spiced blood that he yearned to taste. His cock throbbed, and he hissed, squeezing the hard flesh through his pants. He’d nearly taken her neck. As if he hadn’t brutalized her body enough with his rough, impatient thrusts, he’d nearly succumbed, twisted her head to the side, and buried his fangs in her soft neck. He’d licked his lips, wondering how she’d taste. Sweet, thick, earthy, or something else?

  Unable to wait any longer, he unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock. The mass was heavy and hard in his hand, the tip wet with arousal. He pumped his fist, his heart beating in time to the movement. Quick, gripping tight, he closed his eyes and remembered how she’d felt.

  Burning hot, soft and tight like a needy fist around him. Her channel had gripped him, squeezing, and pulsing in fiery need around him.

  He remembered the way she’d screamed her release, bucking against him, wrapping her sweet soft legs around him like she wanted to keep him there. He’d wanted to bury himself deep inside and give her every drop of his seed.

  His release neared. He pumped his hand faster, catching the perfect motion. His release grew hot and heavy in his balls, raised up his spine, shooting through his body to his cock. So close.

  A loud noise registered in his addled brain. Panting, Tyrian stopped and listened. It came again, three quick knocks at the door. Releasing his straining cock, he growled and shoved it back into his pants. He flung open the door hard, uncaring that it whipped hard enough to crack the wall behind it. His control was slipping faster than he could catch it.


  Draven look apologetic as he said, “There’s a problem with Chloe, I mean, Ms. Bellum.

  She’s calling for you.”

  Tyrian took off, leaving Draven to trail behind him. “She’s hysterical. The new moon has her; it’s riding her hard too. The men want to help her.” Tyrian spun around, catching Draven’s neck in one hand and plastering him to the wall. Control. Control. Draven’s eyes shot wide and he whispered, “But the men don’t want to touch her. You’ve claimed her already.”

  Quickly Tyrian released him, shocked to his core at what he’d just done. Then Draven’s words registered. If only he knew. He hadn’t claimed her. He’d given her release, but had taken none for himself.

  Squaring his shoulders, he set off for her room. Rayn and Henry were standing outside, even their healer, Nanu was there. Each of them wore uncomfortable winces as Chloe moaned and panted from inside the room.

  The still erect cock in his pants loved the sound, relished it. It wanted him to knock down the door and sink into her, never stop.

  “How long has she been like this?”

  “At least an hour,” Henry said. The healer watched the warrior with a hurt look on her face. Henry ignored it.

  Tyrian had hoped he’d have more time. He’d wanted to talk to her about finding another warrior to ease her. After taking her this morning, he didn’t plan to do it again. A quick jerk off and he would be fine, back in control, the succubus out of his mind.

  Yet one thing he’d learned being a commander was that a good leader knew when to step up and lead. A thrill raced up his mind and he marked it off to a chill and not excitement. Not eagerness.

  “I’ll take care of it.” Everyone looked up at him with varying expressions of shock. He didn’t tell them that the thought of any other man going in there and touching her made him want to stab something. In fact he quickly hid that thought and buried it deep inside. This was business. It was only sex. For ages men have been using women for such a thing. Now he would do it too. And after the new moon, when she only required it once a day, she would find another.

  He’d make sure of it.

  “Leave, I’ll see to her.” He started to turn the door handle, but his half-demon, half-vampire guard Henry stopped him.

  “Sir, are you going to ease her properly? She needs a man to...finish inside her.” Tyrian’s ignored the healer’s gasp and Henry’s advice.

  “I assure you I will take care of everything. Everyone leave now. Do not interrupt unless it’s an emergency.” Tyrian disappeared into the bedroom and closed the door behind him.

  He looked around for her, expecting to find her writhing on the bedsheets much as she’d been before. She was nowhere to be seen.

  Stepping further into the room, he strode towards the bathroom. That was when he was tackled by a soft, feverish woman from behind.

  If she was planning to throw him to the ground then she seriously underestimated his strength. She made a needy mewling sound then monkeyed around him until they were chest to chest.

  She was naked once again, but now in his arms. She sighed as her eyes traced over his face. She didn’t even flinch from the scar.

  “You came.” Then she kissed him. Shocked to his core, Tyrian jerked his head away. She caught his face with both hands and pulled him back to press gentler, soft kisses to his mouth, the corner of his lips.

  No o
ne had kissed a very long time. It shouldn’t be good. Shouldn’t feel so good.

  But he liked it and didn’t want her to stop.

  * * *

  Never had a man tasted so good.

  Chloe licked the warrior’s bottom lip and pulled it into her mouth. He tasted like husky man and a touch of bourbon, as if he’d just taken a shot before coming to her.

  And he did come to me, didn’t he? A part of her poofed up like a peacock and wanted to strut around. Yeah, that’s right; she got the most powerful man in the whole world to come back for her. Eat it, ladies!

  His hands were pushing at her, not pulling her closer like she wanted. “What?” she

  grumbled against his perfect lips. The two peaks at the top of his lip beckoned her to trace it with the tip of her tongue. So she did. His hands tightened around her hips in response and she didn’t know if she wanted to giggle or tear open his pants and reach inside.

  “Stop it, Chloe.” The cold edge to his voice didn’t stop her so much as the fact that he just used her name. Was that the first time he’d called her by her name? At least without trying to tell her more rules. She lingered over his lips for a moment before pulling back to look at him.

  “I missed you.” She’d meant it to sound seductive but it came out as a whine. He walked her back to the bed and excitement pulsed through her. More, she definitely wanted more from this man. She was quickly learning that not only was he amazing eye candy that she’d love to strut around with, but he was a fantastic lover.

  She wanted more. She wanted to taste his cock between her lips, feel the weight of his tongue against her pussy lips, and feel his thick cock slide inside her as she mounted him.