Coming Home Read online

Page 4

  I reached over and turned the radio up my favorite song Barefoot Blue Jean Night by Jake Owen was on. “God I love this song….Never gonna grow up….” Cam smiled, “He must be singing about you and the bonfire the other night. Blue eyes and auburn hair sitting looking pretty; that’s totally you for sure!” He just naturally had nothing but good things to say. Yeah he was smooth; real smooth and I liked him. We rolled on radio rocking a few more songs. “Mandy this is fun already and we haven’t even made it to Big Mike’s yet. You’re a good road buddy; you just don’t sit there and talk about yourself the whole time!” He winked at me. He pulled my hand to his mouth and kissed it. “Now Mr. McLean do you sweet talk all your ladies like this?” God he flashed me another huge grin, “Well Miss. Hanson that was not my intention but if you like to be sweet talked I’ll be more than willing to oblige you!”

  I giggled; I mean I freaking giggled like a girl talking to the hottest guy in school. Something about this guy made me feel excited and happy. Not like Kevin he wasn’t fun like Cam. Hell Cam made a short ride fun; if Kevin was driving I would have to hear about how great he was. Maybe this was gonna be a fun summer after all. “Just so you know Mandy I don’t plan on letting you out of my sight all night!” Well then buddy. “Do you plan on holding me prisoner or something?” The evil grin was back, “If that’s what it takes.” I blushed so hard I tried to turn away so he couldn’t see. “Ohhh I see you liked that idea didn’t ya!” Lord was he hot. Just him wiggling his eyebrows made me hot; he had to know how hot he was.

  A few songs later we were pulling up next to Dev at Big Mike’s. “Who chose my favorite place?” Devin pointed, “Cam because it’s his favorite place. I opted for Chili’s but ‘ole well!” He smiled. The teenager holding the door whistled, “Nice ride man.” Cam smiled, “It’s actually my date’s car!” He didn’t have to say that. “Hey well if this guy don’t do it for ya come holler at me sexy!” I stared at him with a ‘what the fuck’ look. “Hey I’m eighteen, you can’t be older than twenty-one! What’s two years?” Cam snorted. I smiled and nodded, “Thanks for the compliment darlin’ but I’m twenty-seven!” The door boy smiled, “So you’re still hot as hell! I like older women!” I murmured after we got away, “That kid had to be joking!” Devin tried to fight his laughter, “Nahhh I mean you hot as hell playa playa!” It was obvious he was mocking the kid.

  “Well the kid had a few things right!” Cam smiled at me. “First, it is a nice ride. Second, a few years in age is no biggey. And third, you are hot as hell!” I blushed I just couldn’t help it. “Though I’d rather say you’re beautiful; hot just ain’t strong enough!” Okay kill me now and I can die happy. Okay screw door boy I think I am gonna keep Mr. Smooth Talker.

  God this place hadn’t changed in over five years. “Guys this place is exactly how I remember it. It’s been years!” We all piled into a corner booth, Cam and I on one side and Dev and Carlie on the other. A few minutes later a very familiar waitress appeared, ‘ole hell. “Ooohhhh my God Cam I have missed seeing you. Got any plans Sunday I’m off!” Ooooohhhhh hell no that nasty bitch always tried to put her claws in my men since junior high. Poor Cam looked like a deer in the headlights! This would have been funny as hell if he didn’t look so uncomfortable.

  Devin opened his mouth to talk. “Yes we have big plans Sunday on the lake.” I grabbed his hand and laid my head on his shoulder. It was obvious he didn’t like her. “Don’t we baby?” He smiled down at me and kissed my hand. “Yes we do baby!” Candy rolled her eyes, “Cam must be feeling charitable to take your ass on a date! Geeze you’re as unappealing as ever. Cam if you needed to get laid all you had to do was call me, eehhh damn!” Ohhh hell no she didn’t that bitch didn’t. Carlie rolled her eyes, “You’re such a nasty bitch.” I guess some people never change and I liked Carlie more and more. “Please bitch this is coming from a grown ass woman still working at the same place she did when she was a teen. And please unappealing applies to your nasty ass and cheap clothes. Geeze you could use some charity!” That was mean and if my Momma was here she would slap me; but how much shit can one person take over the years.

  “Excuse you, she must be feeling charitable because she agreed to be seen with me in public when she could do so much better. And no I NEVER need to get laid bad enough to call you!” Damn Cam must never go off because everyone looked totally shocked. And Candy looked like she swallowed a lemon tree. “Whatever, your server will be with you shortly!” Devin yelled, “I thought you were our waiter sunshine!” We all laughed. “Fuck you Devin,” she offered over her shoulder. “Now that was some shit! That dirty hoe,” Carlie said. “Hey you don’t have to keep your head on my shoulder!” Huh? I totally forgot we were still like that! “Oohhh am I getting makeup on your shirt?” He smiled and squeezed our entangled fingers, “No I ain’t worried about makeup I just don’t want you to be uncomfortable!” Ohh he was so sweet. Carlie and Devin where talking behind a super-sized menu. “Oh I am not! Actually you’re pretty comfortable.” He kissed my cheek, “Good baby now snuggle closer and let’s check out this menu.”

  It was too easy to be so touchy and feely with him. It was hard to remember this was just our first date. “Hey thanks for sticking up for me! Candy hates my guts!” He stroked my hair, “No problem. I hate the girl! She is totally senile.” Devin cleared his throat, “You mean obsessed with you; she used to be obsessed with Mandy. This should be interesting.” Geeze Dev would enjoy this. “How about some drinks! They still sale Blue Motorcycles?” Cam perked up, “Yes they do let’s go to the bar and get some drinks. Dev what ya’ll want?” Such a gentleman. Everyone was down with Blue Motorcycles so I decided a pitcher would work. We walked hand in hand towards the bar while people stopped to talk to Cam and tell us how it’s been forever since they have seen me, and how much I had changed; usual coming home stuff. We were drawing a crowd; everyone must know Cam.

  “Amanda Hanson?” I turned around to the extremely good looking man that looked out of place in his dress pants and dress shirt at the bar. Should I know him? He quickly came over and hugged me. When the scent of his cologne hit me I knew exactly who it was. “Damn hey Jason Ducass!” He smiled, “You’re even sexier than the last time I seen you in New York!” Cam was listening but trying to look like he wasn’t. “What are you doing here?” He was quit good looking; no Cam but attractive in another way. “Well I’m divorced now and thought I’d come home to spend some time with my family!” He looked a bit too happy. “Good I couldn’t stand that Kevin. You always could do so much better.” I’ve heard that too many times.

  “Hey Cam,” he said. Cam nodded and grabbed for my hand. “Well when you get tired of the kid and want a real man call me. The number is the same.” He walked off. I was shocked. I yelled, “He is a real man you dickweed!” Cam giggled. “Damn what’s up with these people around here tonight Cam?” He just shrugged and walked me to our table. The server was there, he was young and good looking. Geeze what have these men been drinking since I was last here? Damn looking around most these people were good looking. “Hey Cam man what’s up? Been chatting here with Dev. Ya’ll been holding out on me.” Cam was beaming, “Joe this is Mandy. She is actually Dev’s sister.” Joe cocked a surprise eyebrow and put his hand on his heart to look shocked. “Gorgeous how can you be related to his ugly ass and where has he been hiding you. And more important why are you on a date with Cam when I’m single?” God Devin had some awesome friends. Joe grabbed me from Cam and hugged me, then pulled me to his side. “You can’t leave with him. I’m fixing to go clock out! It’s me and you baby from here out.” The kid was a looker, but no Cam again. “Hey leave my sister alone or I’ma kick your ass!” Joe rolled his eyes, “Shut up or I’ll take your woman too!” This would be embarrassing if it wasn’t so funny. Carlie rolled her eyes, “How bout we leave ya’ll here to play with yourselves. And me and Mandy bounce!” Everyone calmed then. “Give me back my date!” Joe laughed and let me go. “Not without giving her my number fir
st.” Who knew my old ass could cause such a commotion.

  We slipped back into the booth. I heard Cam whisper over to Devin, ‘Who is Jason Ducass?’ Devin looked surprised, ‘Why you ask?’ Cam looked mad, ‘Because he stopped Mandy at the bar and said if she needed a real man to call him, the fucker.’ Dev rolled his eyes. All while I was talking to Carlie about a shopping trip we needed to plan with us, Stacy, and Momma. ‘Don’t worry dude she doesn’t like him that way so don’t even sweat it. You got this.’ Damn Dev had a lot of faith in Cam. But seriously he was an awesome catch. I wonder why he was single. Well Can was the perfect for me. We ordered our food and dinner was great. Carlie did her best southern belle voice. “Ya’ll I do believe we should be headed to Skullies for a little fun.” We all laughed; I think she was a little tipsy. Cam snuggled me against his arm, I too was a bit tipsy. “Baby you ready to go and have some more fun?” Yeah baby! “Ya’ll let’s roll.” Cam smiled at me.

  We separated in the parking lot. “Hey Mandy,” Carlie said, “Your Lexus makes me feel sexy!” I started laughing. “That’s because you’re fucking sexy Carlie.” We giggled. “Okay girls don’t make me take ya’ll home,” Devin said in a stern voice. We giggled even more. Cam pulled me to his side, “Come on baby let’s get in Bubble Bee and roll!” He held the door open for me. Once he got in the driver’s seat and reached to start the car I grabbed his hand. He just looked at me and I grabbed his chin, “Cam,” I whispered, “Will you kiss me please?” He shook his head, “Are you drunk or serious?” That was honorable! “Cam I’m tipsy not drunk and yes I’m serious!” Finally, I guess he believed me and turned to kiss me. His hands went into my hair and he deepened the kiss. I moaned and he pulled away. “We won’t make it to Skullies if we don’t stop.” I leaned over and kiss his neck. He went slack in the seat and moaned. Damn where did that come from? He had been turning me on all night. I’ll blame it on the alcohol.

  “Yeah we better go Cam! Dev will wonder what happened.” I held his hand the whole way there. He would glance at me and smile, with a slide ways glance. My heart thundered. “Baby you look so beautiful tonight.” He pulled my head on his shoulder, kissing my head every chance he had. “I know this is our first date but I swear this will not be our last,” he said on a guaranteed voice. “I know Cam!” Finally, we pulled up to Skullies and Devin was propped up against the Lexus cuddling Carlie.

  Damn the place was packed. Cam and Devin was wadding thru the crowd like pros. We made it to a corner table bear the bar. I never remembered this place being so big. And the contents of two counties were here. “Cam do you know how to dance?” I never thought to ask him because my bros could dance. So I just figured all guys could. He pulled me into his lap, “Yes sexy I can and I plan on showing you all night long.” Holy shit; that sent a shiver down my back and the double meaning coursed thru my veins. This was progressing faster than I planned.

  “Mandy when did ya’ll get so kissy kissy because I missed that part.” Carlie was giggling and drinking an Alabama Slammer. “Hey I want one of those,” I was getting giggly too. “Okay baby I’ll get you one. Ya’ll two are gonna be hell tonight!” Yeah I looked at Carlie, “If they only knew. Come on Carlie let’s dance!” She giggled and had a smile two country miles long. “Damn that would be hot if she wasn’t my sister for sure!” Shaking his head, “Damn your sister is too fucking sexy. Damn I think I’m in love bro!”

  Carlie and I had drawn a crowd to watch our butt wiggling and hair tossing. When Devin and Cam finally made it to us they looked like they ran a mile. “Hell as tight as that crowd is I expected to see ya’ll half naked but then I remembered ya’ll already are!” Blah! “Ha-ha you’re too funny!” I hugged Cam, “Thanks for my drink hottie can I get a kiss or something!” OOhhhh yeah he couldn’t tell me no because I really didn’t wait for an answer. I felt his hand on my lower back pulling me to him. “Hey it’s a dance floor not a bed ya’ll,” Carlie giggles, “But none the less get it girl!” I high fived her, “Ya’ll two are horrible. Don’t make big bad Devin separate ya’ll!” Ohhh please like he could!

  “Oh and Cam stop kissing my sister like that. I’m tired of seeing your hard on! Good Lord man she’s my sister!” I guess it was his turn to blush. Finally, we started dancing. It was a slow country song; he felt so good against his body. It was hard in all the right places. I nudged my nose in his neck and he signed and started rubbing the small of my back. We hadn’t been there long and I was already hot and bothered. Wonder how Cam was fairing? “Mandy baby I really wanna touch you back but I don’t want to press my luck and upset you!” He rubbed my back as he talked. I leaned in the whisper in his ear. Maybe I should cut myself off, but everyone was having a good time. Even Cam and Dev were buzzed. “Cam if you want to kiss me then kiss me. If you want to touch me do it. I realized five years ain’t that much and I really like you Cam or I think I could really soon.” He looked me in the eyes, “Is that Mandy talking or the Alabama Slammers?” I used my sexiest smile, “All Mandy baby!” He grabbed me and kissed me so thoroughly my lower body warmed and not for the first time tonight I wondered how good he was in bed. “Babe let’s go sit down and chill. It’s hot in here.” He was right in more ways than one.

  “Sweetheart I’m really looking forward to Sunday. But what do you want to do tomorrow?” Hhmmm Bbahhhh my best evil laugh. But I did that innerly Lord knows I’d look crazy doing that out loud. “Whatever you want Cam!” There was that sexy wink again, “You don’t want me to answer that baby!” Yeah maybe I didn’t…..whatever we all know I did wanna know. “You’re defiantly more relaxed now after a few drinks Mandy!” Yeah, yeah, yeah what can I saw maybe I was born perfect for the row of cougar? “Hey you too Cam and it’s been way more than a few. Can’t believe ya’ll let me get so carried away.” This was one hell of a first date. And Lord knows I can’t tell you the last time I had been really drunk, must less in public. “You deserve a good time.”

  I started kissing on Cam’s neck; God I was way too horny. I swore off men for over a year or more. But his manly smell was messing with me. “Baby that feels really fucking awesome.” I guess we really needed to stop teasing each other. Carlie came up and threw her arms around us, “Ya’ll kiss again!” She was messed up pretty badly. “Carlie you’re drunk girl!” She hugged me, “I know I’ve had a rough month and since you got here it’s been a lot of fun. You know what I think I got the hots for Devin. I’ma go tell him that right now love birds!” Cam rocked his head back and forth, “God bless her!” Damn I laughed so much tonight it was almost as if a different person took over my body. Man it was almost closing time. Good thing Cam was in wwwwaaayyyyyyy better shape than Carlie or I! “Cam baby you ready to go yet?” He motioned yes. “You want to go home or come hang out at my house. I’m hungry!” Hell yeah; in a hot minute. “Yeah let’s tell them bye so he won’t worry!” Wow wonder why I agreed to go to his place when earlier I had to be talked into this date. “Don’t look worried Mandy I ain’t gonna jump ya darlin.” Chucking, “I never once worried you would! But see me, I’m inebriated and maybe that might not be so safe for you.” He truly laughed really hard, “I ain’t scared darlin’ I can handle you and what you’re inebriation throws at me!”

  There were some guys standing around my car outside Skullies taking pictures with their cellphones. “Damn Cam where did you get this car from?” Another hot dude getting a hard on over my car. I should be in heaven but damn for the first I ever I thought; Damn it’s just a car. “It’s Mandy’s,” he said holding our entwined hands up. His eyes zeroed in on me, “Damn Cam where did you find her at?” Laughter in his voice, “Devin’s house.” I rolled my eyes. “You took his woman?” I shifted closer to Cam. “No I took his sister!” The dude’s friend whipped around, “Damn I’ve never seen Dev’s sister. Wow you’re hot as hell! How old are you! I thought his sister was older!” Damn! “I’m older than Devin, I’m twenty-seven.” I know old! “Damn you don’t look twenty-seven seriously you’re beautiful. Hey I’
m Allen. If Cam acts up come and see me,” he finished with a wink. Hell NO! Keep dreaming Allen! “Everyone keeps trying to take my woman! Ain’t gonna happen!” Uuummmm his woman?

  We finally made it to the car and headed towards Cam’s. “Baby you hungry?” Damn what time is it? “Yes, I am!” What would be opened? “We’ll hit a drive thru and take it to my house!” Smart man even drunk I won’t eat in my car. “Mandy tonight has been the best night of my life. Thanks for going on a date with me!” Such a sweetheart. “You know I am so glad I came tonight I don’t think I’ve ever had this much fun in my life. You’re awesome!” He patted my thigh. “That damn skirt is killing me. You’re so beautiful Mandy. I really like you. I know we’ve been all over the place today, I was nervous to start with, but I’m more comfortable with you now. But do you think you’d ever be interested in dating me? I’d love for you to be my girlfriends when you’re ready. Aaahhh if you even like me like that?” So many questions; that I already knew the answers too. But before I could answer we were at the drive thru. Thank God for twenty-four hour burger joints.