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Page 5

  Cam’s house was a cute two bedroom house. It was clean and totally male. It was an awesome place for a twenty-two year old. “Come on baby let’s eat!” Man alcohol always makes me hungry. “Hey after we eat you wanna go lie in my room and watch TV?” Hell yeah and maybe pass out and sleep till next week. “Yes that sounds good!” He handed me a pair of sweat pants and a tank top; “The bathroom is down the hall.” I was comfy and snuggled up to my shirtless hottie in his bed. This was a total change of attitude about younger man. But man every young guy in town was hitting on me. Actually that did wonders for my bruised ego.

  I found myself kissing and cuddling next to him. He stroked my face, back, and ran his fingers threw my hair moaning as our kisses depend. Moaning and heated glances turned into heavy breathing and me straddling him. “Wow wow Mandy baby as much as I hate this let’s not do this tonight!” Holy shit was it about to go down? “I can’t believe….Oohhh I don’t know….I’m sorry!” I felt mortified. “No baby don’t apologize. OOhhhh God I want you soooo bad right now. I’ve thought about you like that all night. But when I finally make love to you I want you sober and I want it to be something to remember. Ooohhh baby come here and let me hold you. Will you sleep in my arms tonight?” Like I’ve said before…..such a fucking gentleman…..even though I’m sexual frustrated I’m glad he calmed me down.

  That was the best night of sleep I’ve had in years; maybe a little hung-over and a little warm from the extra body heat. Ooohhh extra sexy body heat. “Uuuummmm baby you up?” I rolled into his arms; and started an early morning make out session or maybe an attack; after all there are two sides to every story. “Ummmm Mandy I got to get a shower; I got to go to work. Ooohhhhhhh right there baby!” Even his ears were sexy. “Girl I could get use to this. Shit your Momma is gonna kill me!” How old was I again? “Doubtful she thinks the world of you!”

  I rode home in Cam’s sweats. God last night and our date was heaven; even if no sex was involved. Devin just pulled in when we did; my Lexus was in one piece. “Cam baby drive my car to work to save you some time. I’ll see you when you get off so we can shop for tomorrow!” I leaned in for an earth shattering kiss. “Thank you baby I’ll be careful with your car. I can’t wait to see you again.” I kissed him again. “You be careful I can buy another car!” After our goodbyes Devin gave me a lifted eyebrow and searched over my attire. And Cam leaving in my prized car caught Dev by surprise.

  After work Cam and I hit the Wal-Mart and got all excited while I got all carried away with my huge shopping cart; un-typical of me. Cam was sexy as hell as usual and gentleman to the tens. That Camaro suited him better than it did me. Carlie was at the register, “Girl what is all this stuff?” She looked awfully happy. “It’s for the lake tomorrow; your still aren’t ya?” She better. “Ooohh yeah I wouldn’t miss it for the world. Ohhh I need to pick me up a new suit tonight too!” She was so excited she was vibrating. “See Mandy life’s more fun with you around. Do I need to bring anything?” She eyed the stuff and giggled. She was starting to feel like a younger sister; I liked that. “Only you’re sexy self.” She giggled and hummed and rang us up.

  Poor Bumble Bee was packed to the gills. Cam offered me the keys and I shook my head no. He smiled and took the driver’s seat. “You’re spoiling me! I feel like you’re my sugar Momma and I’m your boy toy!” That was funny but made sense. “Word travels fast because the guys knew about you before I got to work. Rumor has it your sexy as hell, with bright blue eyes, long legs, and pouty lips, with an awesome….” He paused and blushed. “You gonna finish I was enjoying that play by play!” He blushed brighter. “UUuuum it’s kinda inappropriate!” So I motioned to go on. “Dave said he seen us dancing at Skullies and told the guys you had an awesome ass and an even more awesome…uummm……chest.” He was acting shy, it was cute, but I wanted to laugh at him so bad; but I held it in.

  “Well I kinda like this Dave guy already.” I just kept feeling this draw to Cam. He seemed so perfect and trusting. My heart started to make room for him only after a few days; was that even possible. “But I told them fuckers to shut up about my girl. Michael Brewers said he went to school with you after I told him your last name. Of course he said to call him when you need a grown man. At first that didn’t bother me, not I find it fuckin’ aggravating. Do you not see me as a grown man?” He was actually serious and by the look on his face he wanted an answer. “They just say that to goat you. Just shows age matters to them more than us. And honestly I see you as a man. A big, buff, sexy, and kind man!” He grabbed for my hand, “That’s my girl,” and kissed it.

  Chapter Four:

  The sun was up and the coolers where packed. A new electric purple bikini was my choice, some cut offs, and a pony tail. My baby was purring up the road and Cam’s boat was hitched to Dev’s truck. There was something sexy about Cam driving my Camaro. Geeze I know cars get me off and so does young, buff, blondes driving them. Ohh my God I sound like a perv. Momma had her big floppy sun hat on and Carlie was all over the place. “Momma I really like Carlie.” She shook her head, “I heard about ya’ll two the other day. Dev said any girl you like must be pretty awesome.” That’s sweet he wanted my approval.

  Stacy came in the back door happy as a pig in mud. “Mandy it’s like we’re eighteen again headed to the lake with girlfriends and hot guys!” Ohhhh I remember that summer fondly, very fondly. “I hear you and Cam are spending a lot of time together.” Damn word travels fast in Forsyth County. “Yes and I like him a lot. And before you ask, I like him a lot a lot.” She giggled, no more like cackled with enjoyment. God bless her.

  The weather was beautiful, the sun was warm, and everyone looked happy. Everyone I loved was in one place. “Mandy why are you smiling so big?” Stacy was looking at me oddly. “I was just thinking everyone I loved was in one place. This is fun!” I think my comment was being mulled over because Cam was grinning. ‘Ole well he knew I was crazy about him. Even though it feels like months instead of four days.

  “Ya’ll ready to set the stuff up and anchor the float.” Cam looked happy; we all loved the water. We set up the pop-up canopy, a grill, and set Momma a chair under the canopy. We blew up the huge floating float for everyone to lay out on. It looked like a huge floating trampoline; it was awesome. And the guys were talking about tubing. Momma had her book and some tea; she looked like she was in heaven. Cam turned the radio on and the girls stripped down top their suits. Aaaahhhh fun in the sun is paradise. Hello tan I have missed you.

  Ummm I was in love with the sun; I had missed this. Growing up in the hot south I could have sworn I was a fish but I had nothing but a heated pool in a gym back in New York; which was nothing compared to this. Stacy was talking; Carlie and I were agreeing when I felt a splash on my right. Cam was pulling himself up on the float, soaking wet and sexy as hell. “Uuummmmm baby you’re so sexy in next to nothing; I might have to get back in the water and count to ten,” he whispered in my ear. For some reason that excited me that I could have that kind of effect on him. “Damn Cam you’re one hot fucking man! HHmmmm!” I added a little eyebrow wiggle to enforce my statement. “Yeah I’m hot for you!” Stacy must have heard because she was giggling. “Ya’ll two are pathetic go find some bushes or something! Lord Jesus!” Hey that was a good idea.

  “Hey I think it’s cute,” Carlie added. “But I must admit ya’ll make me jealous!” What? Jealous? Why? “Why is that chic?” She shifted a bit to accommodate the move of the float due to Cam’s weight. “Because ya’ll both are too damn sexy together. I mean don’t get me wrong I don’t have a thing for Cam, but any woman with working eyes knows he is attractive.” Cam looked a bit uncomfortable. “And then you’re super-hot. I don’t care if you were forty; since you’re kinda hung up on your age, you’re still super attractive. Geeze Friday I was thinking damn I wish I brought a pocketbook big enough to hold a frying pan. You attract men like a damn fly zapper! I would blame it on the skirt but I know after seeing you in that suit it ain’t the ski
rt. And to make myself super clear I ain’t gay!” We died laughing; I knew she won’t gay. “Hell Saturday evening when I got to work I had to answer a million questions about you. I figured damn why don’t I gather the information and have it published in the newspaper!” That was cute and I liked the part about the frying pan too. “Well Carlie when you put it like that I’m flattered.”

  Stacy sat up looking at me and Cam like it was the first time she had ever seen us. “Yeah I think you’re right Carlie. I see it now; damn Cam when did you grow up!” He smiled and blushed. Geeze did everyone write him off so easily? “UUhhh,” was all Stacy got as a reply and she giggled. Maybe he wasn’t use to not non-hoe’ish attention. “And damn Mandy you always had big boobs but are those you’re real ones?” I died, seriously I laughed so hard at Stacy my eyes were watering and I was struggling to breath. Poor Cam looked like we were talking about our periods. “Yes Stacy they are real! You wanna touch them?” She winked, “Been there done that!” Carlie giggled and Cam shifted uncomfortably. It was cute watching him squirm. But when I leaned over after I laid back down, “Can I touch ‘em?” A smile stretched across my face, “Cam you’re usually such a gentleman I’m shock?” He looked down, “Well I’m sorry if I offended you!” Please after Friday I didn’t know if anything could offend me again. “I’m just kidding lets go find a bush!” Stacy and Carlie cackled. “Damn what’s going on up here? Ya’ll seem chill?” Carlie rolled to the side to look at Dev, “I was telling everyone about our wild monkey sexy!” He looked worried, ‘What wild monkey sex? We ain’t had sex!” She had an evil grin, “Damn maybe I confused you with someone else!” We died and Dev looked pissed. Carlie was telling him she was playing and kissing him and he looked better, then he pulled her into the water.

  Then it started Cam and I jumped off the side before anyone could push us. He pulled me into his arms, “Now who is all sexy wet? And yes you have great boobs!” I slapped him on the shoulder. “Is that anyway to talk to your girl?” He smiled, “Well when my girl is a sexy ass woman that drives me crazy and makes my brain stop functioning correctly YES!” I wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed him; it was a deep crazy kiss and everyone was cheering. Momma came over in her floppy hat, “What’s going on over here? Lord Cam ya’ll get a room I’m too old for that shit!” We had to stop kissing and laugh; laugh till we cried and Cam was blushing. “Sorry Momma!” He looked like a whipped puppy. “Hell don’t be sorry; next time you want a good kiss just come up here and talk to Momma!” I swear that was worse than her seeing us kiss; and another fit of laughter went off. And poor Cam looked mortified; Momma just smiled and winked at him. “Cam son you know I am playing with you. Now go have fun and don’t look at me like that again!” My Momma was awesome. Poor Cam!

  Hungry was not a strong enough word after hours playing in the sun. Everyone was beat. The guys started the grill and the girls started pulling everything out of the coolers. We all work really well together; making a camping trip would be on the horizon soon. Life was so easy here; maybe that’s how my life could have been if I never left. Maybe I would have found me a Cam at the community college or in a town close by. But then I’d never had started H & E Investors and be as wealthy as I am now. I mean money isn’t important but I like the fact I can help my family and friends. I felt arms go around my waist, “Hey baby what’s wrong? You look sad!” This man was affectionate and observant; maybe I could clone him and become rich as hell. “Just thinking; I seem to do a lot of that these days.” He kissed my head, “Tell your head to stop fighting with your heart! One person can only handle so much guilt; you’re here now and life can only get better baby!” Yeah too damn observant maybe we can tweak the clone! I think he has a six sense or maybe he can read my mind; so not good!

  Steaks and burgers were done everyone was buzzing around fixing their plates. “Hey sis thanks! This is the best lake meal we’ve had in a while. This day has been so much fun!” I was glad Mitchell came. “Whatever big bro I’m just glad you came. I haven’t seen you much! How is work in Atlanta?” Mitchell is a freakin’ God with a computer. Too bad that didn’t rub off. I’m an I.T.’s worst nightmare. “Good, I can’t really complain but we’re so busy I feel like I’m chained down to the place.” Geeze I remember how that was. A small business owner never gets a break. “Aahhh I was gonna call you about a business venture. Maybe I could sink in some capital into your business and make a little return! Maybe even find a tax write off somewhere? “That actually sounds awesome. I’m really struggling to do this myself. How did you manage? Wow does this mean you plan on staying in Georgia?” Good question.

  “Ya’ll gonna talk business all day?” Momma said. “But it does make ya’ll sound smart,” Devin snickered, “Can I get some capital.” Back to Mitchell, “Well I might just hang around I’d really like to see you succeed at your business, anything I can do to help I will. And Dev have you even thought about your classes for the fall?” Carlie laughed, “He’ll show up the last day of registration!” Sounds like Devin. “Do you go to the community college too?” I had no idea. “I took a few classes but I can’t afford too many. I have to work and pay my way.” God she was like nineteen or twenty she needed to be in college; this is a small town that didn’t have much. “Well we will work something out for you because you need to be in school too. College is important.” Carlie looked almost in tears and Momma smiled at me sweetly. “Ohhh my God thanks Mandy.” Carlie about tackled me with a hug. “Well what you want to do for a living?” She smiled the biggest smile ever, “I want to be a kindergarten teacher.” I could see her in a room of thirty, five year olds with finger paint all over the place. “It’s just an expensive field even with grants I have to have somewhere to live and something to eat!” I wonder what her situation was. I needed to ask Devin! “I know doll I promise by fall we’ll have a plan in place!” Carlie is actually a great kid. God I’m almost ten years older than her.

  “Okay, okay so enough about school I’m on break. Plus Mandy I knew you have money but after all this you’re gonna be broke and living with Momma!” I laughed, “Said the pot to the kettle. I’m good plus I already live with Momma but I got everything in my name!” Everyone cracked up. “Can’t talk too much punk!” All we did was laugh today! “Ya’ll don’t know Mandy owns a Fortune 500 Company!” I gave Mitchell the eyes, “Wow I thought everyone knew that sis sorry!” Cats out the bag now! Okay I’m pretty stinking rich. I’m Ferrari rich but I prefer Camaros. “Well that just happened recently! No big deal!” Mitchell rolled his eyes. “What’s Fortune 500 mean?” Stacy looked curious. Of course Mitchell had to answer. “It means Mandy and Kevin’s business is one of the 500 highest earning businesses of the year!”

  “Damn Mandy that’s great! Why didn’t you tell us?” Momma was cussing a lot these days. “Because I don’t like to talk about money; I don’t want ya’ll to think I think I’m better than ya’ll. What am I supposed to say, that I can pay for Dev and Carlie to go to college for a whole year and still not touch what I make every month. And I don’t want to put another glacier between me and Cam. Obviously my money bothers him; I offer to buy him anything and he freaks. I can’t help it I just like to see everyone happy!” Wow I sounded like a ranting woman; but it felt good off my chest. I had tears in my eyes. “Come here baby!” Cam wrapped me in his arms, “I understand! Don’t cry we love you no matter how much bank you got!” That made me laugh, he sounded all gansta, but didn’t have the voice to pull it off. He always tried to make me laugh and always succeeded. “We know you have a kind heart baby,” Momma patted my back. “I think I got it from my Momma.” When we were back laughing and eating.

  “Ohhh I gotta call two of you out!” Everyone looked at me! “What’s up with you and you?” I pointed to Mitchell and Stacy. Stacy turned red! “What are you talking about?” Yeah yeah innocent won’t work with me. “Either one of you seeing anyone?” I got two no head nods; or more so they looked like nervous bobble heads. I laughed at that because D
ev must been thinking the same thing. “Good because we gonna plan a triple date soon! Ya’ll gonna be our couple number three. And I will not accept no as an answer!” Momma laughed, “Listen to her ya’ll two it could be fun.” Hell yeah! “Come on ya’ll we had a ton of fun Friday night,“ Cam added. “We can even go to Atlanta and raise some hell.” That was always Devin’s plan. “How ‘bout it?” Stacy was waiting for Mitchell to reply first by the look I knew her answer already. “Mitchell answer first, because Stacy won’t answer till you do!” She blushed. There was only three years difference. “Yeah sure I could use a break. Stacy you want to go on a date with them?” She was fighting the smile really hard so Momma, Carlie, and me all tried not to laugh; since we’re women we knew what she was doing. “Okay that sounds fun. Just let me know when!” Hell yeah triple threat. Love matches were popping up all around me. Carlie giggled, she was really enjoying herself; she obviously was a closet romantic, even though she hid it horribly; same as me. I hated love just as much as I loved it.

  After a few more hours and a marshmallow roast everyone was tired and ready to head home. It always seems harder to pack up; I don’t know how we got all this stuff here. After about twenty more minutes both trucks were loaded and we were all packed in like sardines. Cam’s truck was nice; actually really nice, it suited him too. You know everyone drives big trucks in the south. I always wanted one myself. “Damn ya’ll I want a truck!” Mitchell was in the front seat of Cam’s truck, “Hey I’ll trade you mine for your Lexus or Camaro!” I was tempted. “Maybe the Lexus, I think the Camaro keeps the younger men around.” Cam found that hilarious. “No you mean the real men! They like it too!” I rolled my eyes. “I don’t get it,” Stacy was lost so Cam filled her in. “Well ain’t there just some shity people in the county; what is five years anyway when you’re both legal!” Good point girlfriend. But I use to be on the other side of that fence. “Thanks Stacy! You’re totally right,” Cam was too happy she agreed with him. “I’m starting to get thru to Mandy!” Another eye roll ensured, but it was more for comic relief. “Just give her a few more tongue lashes and she’ll come around!” Eeewww that was bad of Miss. Innocent Stacy! “Ok hornball quit being so nasty!” She turned crimson at my comment. Mitchell laughed and I guess momentarily she forgot Mitchell was in the truck.