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Page 9

  It was starting to get dark earlier outside this time of year. I walked to the window as the sun was setting trying to clear my head. “It’s so pretty in Georgia during the Fall, I had forgotten that.” His voice startled me; it was right in my ear. I whispered, “Yes it is,” his proximity was unnerving. “I’ve been dying to tell you how beautiful you look all day. I think even more than normal.” Lord this was pleasant even as it was awkward. I had really missed that sweet, loving, and charming Kevin. Maybe he had changed. He spun me around and embraced me, rubbing the small of my back in small, comforting circles. It was really nice, I wished for this for months but somehow it felt wrong. I stumbled out of his embrace. “Let’s finish this up, as much as we can.” He blinked a few times and nodded in agreement.

  We quickly got back on pace and then my cell rang. “Hey baby! We’re here! What is the room number?” Thank God I needed him to back Kevin down a bit! “Hey it’s 208 babe!” Kevin quirked his eyebrow. “See ya in a few! Love ya!” Awwww. “Love you too!” Kevin smiled. “Devin?” I was happy now. “Yes!” A few minutes later a knock on the door made me jump from my chair at the table and run towards the door. I flung the door open and Cam came in and pulled me up off the floor. I wrapped my legs around his waist and hugged him tightly. “Damn baby I have missed you. Only a few hours gone feels like an eternity!” God he was cute. “I love you baby!” Devin cleared his throat, “We brought dinner!” Cam sat me on my feet and we headed to the conference room set up. They set out the food on the table and Kevin glanced over from his laptop screen. “Hey Devin, how you been?” Devin smiled, “Absolutely fucking fabulous!” We all laughed at him. “Must be a girl involved somewhere,” Kevin said with a smile. “Always bro!” Cam looked a little uneasy. “I brought your wine from the house Mandy! I figured you would want some!” Cam offered the last part with a little eyebrow wiggle; I giggled like a school girl.

  Kevin looked as though he was trying to figure something out. “Hey man I’m Cam McLean!” He offered his hand. “Yeah I should introduce ya’ll! Kevin, this is my boyfriend Cam, and as you know this is my business partner Kevin!” That was awkward. “I’m Mandy’s husband!” Cam grinned; it was evil looking, “Ex-husband!” ‘Ole well damn no playing nice I guess. “Boyfriend is fitting! Can you even drive after dark?” Damn Kevin was never that good with comebacks. Cam and Devin laughed like he just told them a joke. “Yes I can and I can even eat cornbread without choking! It’s a miracle really!” I couldn’t help it I had to laugh, it was just too funny. Men and their penis measuring contests. Kevin just looked pissed. He obviously didn’t understand why I found this interaction funny. Humor is truly lost on some people.

  “Let’s eat baby I’m hungry. Kevin we even brought you dinner; how nice of us youngins!” I rolled my eyes at Cam. “Now ya’ll chill I got to do too much to babysit three grown men.” Devin held his hands in defense, “It won’t me I’m playing nice!” Cam hugged me to his chest and kissed me passionately. I almost forgot we had company. “Okay baby, I love you, and do whatever makes you happy!” He cocked that grin again, “Hotel sex,” he whispered in my ear and my face reddened. “Ewwww nasty, come on ya’ll nasty people!” Devin was shaking his head at us. I know I go all giggly teenager when Cam is around. “Ya’ll two are way too in love to stand to be around sometimes,” Devin said thru a mouthful of Chinese takeout. Cam pulled me into his lap while he leaned one way to eat and I leaned the other. Kevin’s face was red the whole time, “You know we could call to get another chair!” He sounded discussed and Cam just smiled at him. “Nah it’s all good, she likes sitting in my lap Kev!” Oh shit Kevin hated most people calling him Kev! And Cam nuzzled my neck, “Cam don’t goat him. I don’t care what he thinks or feels,” I whispered in his ear. “I love you Mandy! He never deserved you!” I put my finger over his lips and he licked it. “Ewwww you’re nasty,” I giggled. “And you taste like sweet and sour sauce!” Dev jumped up and ran over to me licking at me. “I wanna taste!” I squealed and Cam held me down. Devin laughed so hard when he saw the look on my face and couldn’t stop laughing long enough to lick at me. Kevin looked over in either ignorance or wish fullness. Either way I felt sorta bad for him; he needs someone like Devin and Cam in his life. Well his current state was his choice alone and not mine.

  We worked till almost midnight; everything was formed and we just needed to structure it and figure out who says what. Cam had showered and was walking around shirtless winking at me. He knew what he was doing to me. Ass monkey! “Okay let’s call it a night! I’m too damn tired to concentrate.” Kevin nodded; he looked like he had been steamrolled. “Just leave it all here if you want too. No use in moving it!” Kevin stood up, “Okay see you in the morning babe!” Then he walked over and hugged me. Damn he smelt sexy as hell and then kissed me on the check. I just stood there dumbfounded as the room door closed. “I’ma fucking punch that smug bastard, I was being nice till now!” Cam was fuming. “Baby it’s okay ya’ll can’t keep provoking each other. I love you and you know this. If I didn’t you wouldn’t be here with me right now!” He walked forward and hugged me. “I know it’s just hard because you were married to him. And I know you wouldn’t marry anyone unless you really loved them. I just remembered how hurt you were when we first met baby! I don’t want to see you like that again! I love you!”

  God really he was a great man. I just stood in his arms and whispered into his chest, “Hotel sex!” He grabbed my hand and ran towards the bedroom. He pulled me up in his arms and tossed me to the bed. I was breathless and excited. He was intoxicating. “Geeze I’ve been waiting for hours! It’s way pass seven.” Him and his smug sexy ass grin. He flopped down on top of me and started tickling me. He knew I needed to relax. “Hey Mandy Baby,” he smiled. “Yes honey!” He scratched his head, “How do you make a tissue dance?” Lord this kid is weird. “I don’t know Cam enlighten me!” He tickled me again, “Put a little boogie in it!” I slapped his arm, “Dork!” He attacked me with his sexy self. Yep hotel sex time. After the second time I had to call it quits and pass out.

  My morning after glow was halted quickly by a pounding on the door. I jumped up and ran to the door forgetting where I was at. Kevin stood there fully clothed and looking refreshed. His eyes rolled over me with something resembling desire. Looking down I realized I was wearing Cam’s favorite hot pink mini-night gown. Hot damn---awkward! “Come in and let me shower and change!” He smiled and watched me leave to my room. “I know she’s hot as hell; extremely irresistible in that thing too!” Cam smiled at Kevin from the coffee pot wearing his silk boxers. Lord today maybe hell on wheels for me. Even after last night I had not much calm left. Kevin had no right to be such an ass to Cam.

  Finally, cleaned and dressed I made it out to where Kevin was. “See I can handle that attire much better than whatever that was earlier.” He shot me that ubber sexy grin. Damn these men. When Kevin turned on the charm he was as good as Cam. I must admit being this close to him made me miss him and our past. Also I missed our dream home we made together. But that was the past and I needed to move on. My Kevin would never come back and stay. My heart was being tugged all over the place again. Yeah I would need a therapist soon, very soon.

  “Baby me and Devin are gonna go by and see Mitchell while you work. I love you! Call me of you need anything!” He wiggled his eye brows to emphasize anything. I chuckled and wrapped my arms around his waist, “I love you too! Tell Mitch I said hey guys!” Another kiss and they were on their way. Damn Cam looked sexy as hell in his fitted Aeropostale jeans and t-shirt. Exactly what wet dreams were made of! I won the lottery with that hot piece of ass. Damn my thoughts are too funny sometimes. “Ok with Casanova gone we can get down to work!” Hey screw you man. “Hey don’t hate on Cam. He had been nothing but nice!” Yes I was defending my man. “Awww thanks babe for defending my honor.” Cam was laid up against the door case beaming at me. “I thought you left!” He grinned evilly, “Well I forgot to get Mitchell’s bag he needed from M
omma’s house. I love you baby and he is just jealous of us. He is more pissed at himself because it never crossed his mind that you moved on. This only came up last minute because the phone call last week.”

  Kevin looked extremely pissed. “You don’t know what the fuck you are talking about kid! And do you really think a grown woman like Mandy is really that invested in some kid that obviously isn’t much more than a common meat head!” He didn’t faze Cam at all. “Come here and give me a bye kiss baby and when I get back we’ll grab dinner or something!” We kissed, “I love you Mandy!” God this was all utter bullshit! Why couldn’t anything involving Kevin be simple? I think he was more pissed that he didn’t faze Cam. That actually shocked me too. Maybe Cam was that sure of our relationship. I hate to say but my reassurance came and went.

  Finally, after hours of preparing it was the morning of the seminar. I showered, worked on my makeup, and hair all while Cam slept soundlessly and sexily. I bought the most attractive business suit I could find; more because of Cam’s comment at Momma’s than anything. It was a khaki ruffled skirt with a pink V-neck cute top with a matching khaki jacket. It was completely feminine and office sexy. Ohhh and I even bought new khaki stilettos to make my butt look good. If only I felt as good as I looked I could survive this. I kissed sleepy Cam on the cheek and opened the door on a startled Kevin. “Wow I forgot how punctual you were. I was just about to knock. Mandy you look really really fantastic today. No one does office attire like you!” That comment would have made me coo a year ago. “Thanks Kevin you look like a million dollars on two legs!” He chuckled.

  The waiting room in front of the conference room was buzzing with more people than I’ve ever seen in one place other than at a concert. And they won’t rocking out with business suits. We had to mingle and Kevin was giving out business cards like free burger coupons. Where in the hell was he hiding all those things? Some cute twenty-something man with a name tag that read ‘Rhyn’ looked way to happy to had caught Kevin’s attention. I always felt a little odd at these things. The smaller ones are fun; the larger ones feel like a circus of like dresses, mostly male characters.

  “Hello Mrs. Eakes! How are you doing this morning? I can’t wait to hear your lecture!” Ohhh great! “Hello it is Miss. Hanson and I am great thank you!” Nigel looked confused but just nodded and left. “How is the sexiest, well the next sexiest woman in the room?” I spun around to meet that familiar voice. “OOhhh God Latonya you look wonderful. I miss you!” Man I really did miss her. “Hey can I get in on this sexy girl love fest!” We both turned and looked to see the sexy man in the fitted black dress pants and a blue dress shirt tucked in with the sexiest smile ever. “Damn that’s one hot ass white boy!” I giggled, “Yes he is! Come here Cam and meet Latonya. Latonya this is my boyfriend Cam.” Her jaw dropped, “Hello Sexy! HHhmmmm do you have a twin brother I could seduce?” Cam smiled, “Nope but since Mandy is busy I could be all yours!” Latonya giggled, “Damn girl I need to come to Georgia more often!” Devin came up behind Latonya and grabbed her around the waist and pulled her against his chest. “Come on now Latonya I thought you wanted a piece of me sexy ass!” Latonya looked terrified and I tried not to laugh as she broke loose and spun around.

  “Holy shit Devin when did you get all fucking sexy.” Devin grinned, “So that’s a yes huh?” She looked at Cam, me, then blinked, “Damn Georgia must have some damn good water. Can I have them both? Good God Devin you are sexy. Boy you have changed. I’m over here drooling!” Devin grinned and pulled her in for a hug. “It’s been too long since I had some chocolate.” Latonya swatted at Dev and Cam laughed. “Stop being fresh with me white chocolate,” we all laughed. Cam hugged me, “Damn I just knew you were going to be all sexy looking this morning!” I smiled, “No you look sexy as hell all dressed up. And Devin you look amazing too.” They stood side by side and popped their collars. I looked at Latonya with a chuckled, “Bless your hearts!” And they smiled at us!

  I was hanging back with them when someone walked up to me. “Hello Mrs. Eakes! My name in Colt Tanner and I heard your company was looking for some new employees!” I smiled, “Yes Mr. Tanner we are! If you see Kevin over there seated at the table he can give you the needed material.” I offered him my hand, “And it’s Mandy Hanson now! Make sure you speak with him because we are looking for quite a few new faces!” He offered me a beautiful smile, “Thank you Miss. Hanson you look especially lovely today,” and headed to the table. “Okay I could live with seeing that face every day. And Colt that’s a sexy name; almost as sexy as Devin and Cam! Hello,” Latonya added. Man she was crazy. We all looked at her, “Hey can’t a girl widen her horizons? Plus stop stank eyeing me. I’m older than all of ya’ll!” God I love her! “I think we should do dinner and hang out after this whole thing is over,” Cam offered. “Hell yeah I need a martini!” Latonya loved her martinis. “And a nice piece of….!” Wow! “Latonya!” She smiled, “I was gonna say cake; a nice piece of vanilla cake. God Mandy has Cam turned you all dirty minded in your old age!” Screw her. “Nahhh I like to suppress my perverted-ness and then spring it on ya out of nowhere!” She chuckled, “And a smartass; Mandy I do believe I miss you honey!”

  Just then the doors to the conference room opened and people filled in. “Well ya’ll that’s my cue!” Cam gave me a kiss and Devin and Latonya hugged me. “Go get ‘em tiger!” She’s a nut! “Come on now darlin’ we have to make it to our table!” Kevin had on his sweet as shit grin and kinda brushed past Cam. Latonya rolled her eyes and whispered so low I didn’t think anyone heard, “Someone is asking for an ass whooping!” I could feel Devin’s smile in his reply, “You know it!”

  I don’t think I can begin to describe the mind numbing bored-ness of these things. I’m not sure how I found these things so exciting not so long ago. Stocks, bonds, portfolios; can I get a drink now, with a side of damn his voice sounds obnoxious. I wish I was seated where I could see Cam. At least making googlely eyes would make my day so faster. Come on five o’clock I need you.

  Finally, we were called to the front with a loud round of applause. We basically explained our business structure and how we moved thru the ranks. Little secrets and tips we had; but I was gonna tell them the best tip I had was get a hell of a divorce lawyer. But Kevin would have axed that. Cam looked like a student taking in every word we said. He smiled at me and I could see the pride on his face. I swear that man must think I’m perfect. Devin was goofing with Latonya. They always did get along well; hell who wouldn’t love her crazy ass.

  I left Kevin smoozing and we four went to our rooms to change. Latonya would fly out tomorrow so we had till then to hang. I exchanged my suit for some sexy low slung jeans, a tight tank top, and a cropped leather jacket. Badass, badass I freakin’ tell ya. I was smokin’! When we all met up in the lobby Latonya let out a low wolf whistle, “God ya’ll some sexy folks!” I spun around, “Girl you and Cam make one sexy couple. Man you never looked this happy before. I like you Cam already. And Devin, yeah I’d hit that!” She makes everyone laugh constantly.

  After dinner and a really happy happy hour we were once again in the hotel lobby. Kevin was emerging from the restaurant slash bar with a huge grin on this face. He must be drunk. All that smoozing must have gotten to him. “Just when I thought Mandy couldn’t get any sexier she proves me wrong. Damn baby!” Cam drew me into his arm, his chest to back. “I have to agree with you Kev! She is extremely beautiful.” The set in Kevin’s jaw showed he wasn’t happy with Cam’s attitude. Cam pisses more people off with his ability not to be able to be pissed off front. I must say I like it more than those always confrontational men.

  “Mandy I need to talk to you for about ten minutes. I need you to help me decide on a few people right quick so I can contact them before I leave.” Like why does he give a fuck who I like; I don’t work there anymore. “Sure Kevin!” Cam pulled me up for a sexy kiss that had Latonya clearing her throat. “I’ll take the two hotties to their room and have my way with them!”
I giggled, “Good luck girl that’s a whole lotta man between the two!” She winked, “I love me some muscly men. Heaven……Heaven I tell you!” I was still laughing when Cam was waving sheepishly from the elevator. Sometimes you just have to shake your head at Latonya. Bless her heart. Kevin stepped closer his gorgeous chocolate brown eyes shining, lush caramel brown shaggy hair tossed, and the most breathe taking smile I’d ever seen on his face. I stopped laughing and started staring; I had forgotten how attractive he really was. “How about you give me a hug baby?” Before I could refuse he had wrapped me tightly in his embrace. I had half a mind to pull away but his cologne hit me like a familiar security blanket and I relaxed in his arms. I guess a hug was okay.

  His whisper in my ear snapped me out of my trip down memory lane; where we would stand in the kitchen embraced for almost hours it felt like after a hard day’s work. “I can’t believe how good you feel in my arms Mandy baby. You smell so good. Damn I miss you!” I felt his nose nudge my neck and I froze. Part of me almost hoped he would kiss me and part of me was pissed off at his utter disrespect for the fact I had a man. And on that wouldn’t cheat, so I pulled away from him. Something flickered a crossed his eyes, “Don’t worry Mandy Cam will be okay. It was just a hug. Plus I don’t see what you see in him; he isn’t even your type,” like he knew my type at all. “Come one Mandy, you don’t miss me any at all. I mean do you know how hard it is for me to see that kid use every chance he gets to maul you. It’s hard for me to see you and not run to you and take you in my arms and kiss you senseless!” Well this is just awkward as hell. I couldn’t even give a response before he was at it again. “I love you Mandy Hanson and I miss you. Could you ever give me another chance? Seriously, I’m so sorry I’d do anything you ask baby. I love you more than you’ll ever know. My heart is gone if your gone!” I know I looked like a deer in the headlights fixing to be ran down by a huge mini-van on the highway. Just then a noise to my left got my attention. Cam was pulling himself off the wall and headed our way. God how much did he hear? “We’ll as much as I can’t help but laugh at this show of unrequited love; I much prefer you lay off trying to make my girlfriend feel sorry for you every chance you get. If you really want her back fight for her like a real man, with love and honesty, not bullshit and lies. It’s not her fault you came to your senses too fucking late!” Cam’s calm façade was starting to crack. I felt his warm hand on my side. “Come on baby Latonya and Devin rented a pay-per-view movie!”